Barbarian Combat Skills

From Project Diablo 2
Revision as of 20:52, 15 October 2020 by Gasior (talk | contribs)
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More Info at Frenzy

General Changes:

  • Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that.

  • Scaling increased.

  • Movement speed reduced.

  • Duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28).

  • Frenzy now requires level 1 instead of 24.


More Info at Bash

General Changes:

  • There is 25% chance if monster is not put into faster hit recovery animation.

  • If monster is put into FHR animation then bash will not knockback.

  • Bash now requires 2 handed weapon.


More Info at Concentrate

General Changes:

  • Convert physical damage to magic.

  • Magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point.

  • Concentrate now requires level 12 instead of 18.


More Info at Berserk

General Changes:

  • Deals only physical damage.

  • Reduces player physical resistance for 0.5 seconds after using Berserk.

  • Berserk now has scalable physical resistance pierce.

  • Berserk now requires level 24 instead of 30.


More Info at Leap

General Changes:

  • Hard points invested into this skill increase travel speed.

  • Impact landing sound changed.

Leap Attack

More Info at Leap Attack

General Changes:

  • No longer attacks after leap.

  • Deals AoE damage on landing.

  • Hard points invested into this skill increase travel speed.

  • Impact landing sound changed.

  • Leap Attack is affected by leech.


More Info at Whirlwind

General Changes:

  • Soft points invested into the skill increase traveling speed(4% per soft point).

  • Cannot apply Splash on attack.

  • Movement Speed affects whirlwind travel speed.

  • Cannot apply Splash on attack.

  • Whirlwind reverted back to classic version. Whirlwind attacks fixed amount of times(4FPA) during a spin regarless of character Attack Speed modifiers.

Double Throw

More Info at Double Throw

General Changes:

  • Double Throw now bounces to nearby enemies.

  • Pierce does not work on Double Throw.

  • Double Throw bounces 3 times at start(per weapon attack) and scales with points up to 5 times. Meaning player can reach up to 10 bounces with every Double Throw Sequence.