Translations:Patch Notes/974/zh-cn

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Spoilers from Dev Stream #6 (2022-05-28)

  • 符文之语 天顶(Zenith)可以在所有类型的弓/长矛/长柄武器上生效
  • 德鲁伊的灵和藤蔓将不会成为伤害目标: 加灵技能的装备将被恢复成原来的属性(聚气)
  • 在地狱难度拯救安雅之后,她会奖励你一个T1等级的地图
  • T1/T2/T3地图的难度差异会拉大,低等级的地图对新玩家会更友好
  • 新的T1地图 showcased 地洞和墓穴主题 (暂时命名为"皇家墓穴"并计划把李奥瑞克王作为boss) (item code: t15)
  • 新的T2地图 showcased(暂名"威斯特玛阴影") (item code: t26)
  • 修复地图前缀“怪物有+x%额外元素/魔法伤害”的错误,一些怪物伤害不正常的大
  • Move Only skill will no longer halt movement after name-locking enemies
  • 当选中怪物的时侯,旋风不再停下或者切换成普通攻击,而是会越过被选中的怪物。
  • 自动恢复充能的速度在PvP竞技场中加快4倍
  • 新的过渡用符文之语新手祭司 (Hel+Tir) 法师法球/棍棒/权杖/法杖
  • 护身符改动:
    • 大型护身符的额外元素伤害增强到2-4%,之前为1-3%
    • 平衡护身符的不同元素伤害,不同元素伤害将有相似的伤害数值(除了电伤其他伤害都会增强)
    • 根据护身符大小平衡元素伤害
      • 大型护身符的伤害是小护身符的两倍
      • 超大型护身符的伤害是小护身符的2.7倍
    • Adjusting level requirements of elemental damage affixes on small/large/grand charms to to be in ascending order instead of the reverse (currently small charms have the highest requirements and grand charms have the lowest)
  • Elemental damage affixes for jewels and weapons will also be improved
  • Poison damage affixes on items will be rebalanced & standardized so they all have 2 second durations, and poison dps will be increased
  • Magefist will be reverted to only grant +1 to fire skills instead of any element as part of an effort to increase diversity
  • Infinity (staff version) will have 15% chance to cast level 20 Lightning on casting
  • Other staves (like Doom) will have yet-to-be-spoiled ctc-on-casting effects
  • Prayer will have a mana cost again but will heal more
  • New dungeon showcased (tentatively named "Sanctuary of Sin" with a downstairs area named "Black Abyss") (item code: t43)
  • Certain skills will no longer try using a basic attack when out of mana: Fist of the Heavens, Holy Shield, Charge, Whirlwind
  • Hydra will be getting nerfed somehow (no details)
  • Bash will have Concentrate instead of Berserk as a synergy
  • Hurricane will have the Twister synergy removed and the other synergies increased from 8% to 12%
  • Armageddon will have the Fissure synergy removed and the other synergies increased from 8% to 12%
