Translations:Patch Notes/963/zh

From Project Diablo 2
Revision as of 01:58, 23 May 2022 by Troytt (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===开发者剧透 [ Dev Stream #1] (2022-03-12)=== <span class="emphasis">Stream highlights:</span> * 共享储物箱 (每个角色一个私人储物箱,九个共享储物箱) - 仅限战网联机,单机玩家可以使用 PlugY * 非赛季角色, S5开始时S4角色将成为非赛季角色 :: 注意: 共享储物箱内的装备不会被转换到非赛季角色上 * 增益技能显示...")
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开发者剧透 Dev Stream #1 (2022-03-12)

Stream highlights:

  • 共享储物箱 (每个角色一个私人储物箱,九个共享储物箱) - 仅限战网联机,单机玩家可以使用 PlugY
  • 非赛季角色, S5开始时S4角色将成为非赛季角色
注意: 共享储物箱内的装备不会被转换到非赛季角色上
  • 增益技能显示剩余时间, 叠加次数 (例如武学技艺,狂乱), 剩余量 (例如骨甲,飓风装甲)
  • 金币自动拾取将一次性拾取多堆金币
  • 玩家最高抗性减少到90 (前值是 95)
  • maps will be P5 again (was P3)
  • 三个新的地图
  • 黑毛和拉斯玛的召唤材料掉落率大幅提升
  • 减少无形和有形武器的差距 - 普通/扩展/精英武器的基础伤害提升 +0%/+15%/+25%, 无形武器额外提升+25%基础伤害 (前值+50%)
  • -% phys res will be applied per weapon (won't stack when dual-wielding)
  • "新的高端玩法"可以"自行调节难度" (三个新的天梯专属挑战内容)
  • 添加赌博刷新按钮
  • 加入暗黑重置版的新符文之语 D2R's 2.4 patch (会根据平衡性调整)
    • Unbending Will (6-孔剑)
    • Wisdom (3-孔头盔)
    • Obsession (6-孔法杖)
    • Flickering Flame (3-空头盔)
    • Mist (5-孔弓/十字弓)
  • 5 new unique items (planning to have roughly 10 total)
    • Occultist (crusader gauntlets) (base code = utg)
    • Odium (colossus sword) (base code = 7fb)
    • Zerae's Resolve (matriarchal pike) (base code = ame)
    • Merman's Sprocket (wyrmhide boots) (base code = ulb)
    • Martyrdom (overseer skull) (base code = ned)
  • considering doing a mini race league before S5, since S5 won't be ~4 months after the start of S4 (S5 is planned for ~2 months after D2R's upcoming ladder)
  • cosmetic rewards will be account-based and togglable with a chat command instead of coming from charms