Translations:Patch Notes/933/en

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  • Increased Trang-Oul Jawbone droprate from undead monsters by 25% in all difficulties (It is now a 1:750k chance to drop from any undead monster in hell and less in nightmare and normal)
  • Increased Ancient Bone Fragment droprate from undead monsters by 25% in all difficulties (It is now a 1:250k chance to drop from any undead monster in hell and less in nightmare and normal)
  • Reduced the blizzard damage of the Ancestral Trial Boss
  • Fall of Caldeum has has its density increased slightly
  • Fall of Caldeum monsters now provide 5% more experience
  • The recipe to cube quivers into white bolts and vice versa has been disabled to prevent players from cubing their rare quivers and bolts into white items
  • Orbs of Destruction no longer require a Hel Rune in the recipe to turn a magic or rare map back into a white map
  • Orbs of Destruction now cost 75000 gold instead of 25000
  • Traps and decoys will no longer warp to you at long distances
  • Open wounds damage dealt to players can now be mitigated by % Physical Damage Reduction (This only applies to players)