Translations:Patch Notes/931/en

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  • Mercenary ai has been improved and should no longer get stuck as often
  • Disabled map mods showing when hovering over a town portal in order to prevent crashes (map modifiers will still show above red portals)
  • Gem Shrines should no longer bug when you have a full inventory
  • Decoy will now have the proper amount of resists
  • Vigor passive will now display the proper value gained
  • Cleansing will now properly grant its poison length reduction passive
  • Holy nova prayer and fist of the heavens synergies now display the proper values
  • Dark Pact is now properly gaining 12% damage from its synergies instead of 10%
  • Creating a Trang-oul's Jawbone now requires 2 Ancient Bone Fragments and a Hellfire Torch instead of 3
  • Ancient Bone Fragments drop rate from all undead monsters has been increased by 150% on all difficulties
  • Trang-Oul's Jawbone drop rate from all undead monsters has been increased by 100% on all difficulties
  • Splinter of the Void drop rate from the shadow of mendeln event increased from 1 in 25 to 1 in 20
  • Black Soulstone drop rate increased from 5% to 10%
  • Poison Length Reduction now properly caps at 75%
  • Throne of insanity finger mage are no longer flying units
  • Bastion Keep succubus are no longer flying units
  • Bastion Keep bat demon are no longer flying units
  • Horazon's Memory flying scimitar are no longer flying units
  • Fall of Caldeum base density increased by 15%
  • Fall of Caldeum now spawns hell swarms in smaller packs
  • Fall of Caldeum now spawns huntress in larger packs
  • Fall of Caldeum zombies now deal slightly less damage
  • Fall of Caldeum flying scimitar now deal slightly less damage
  • Fall of Caldeum flying scimitar are no longer flying units
  • Ancestral Trial fingermage are no longer flying units
  • Ancestral Trial wraith are no longer flying units
  • Souls spawned by the area contains map modifier are no longer flying units
  • Reziarfg's Lair unraveler can now spawn in packs of 1-3 instead of always spawning alone