Translations:Patch Notes/15/en

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  • Ice Bolt
    • faster missile speed
    • cold length now scales less with levels
    • mana cost now starts lower and scales with levels
    • damage increased
    • removed synergies from Frost Nova, Blizzard, & Frozen Orb
  • Cold Enchant
    • new skill, replaces Frozen Armor
    • useable alongside Enchant Fire
  • Frost Nova
    • cold damage starts lower and scales higher
    • cold length scaling reduced to +0.2 seconds per level (was +1)
    • mana cost changed to 16 + 0.5 per level (was 9 + 1)
  • Ice Blast
    • pierces, faster missiles
    • cold damage starts lower and scales higher
    • freeze duration is now 2 seconds (was 3 + 0.2 per level)
    • synergies for Blizzard & Frozen Orb removed
    • synergy from Glacial Spike is now a damage synergy (was +10% freeze length per level)
    • synergies are now 6% (was 8%)
  • Shiver Armor
    • cold length now scales with levels
    • duration now starts higher and scales less with levels
    • duration synergies removed
    • synergies are now 10% (was 9%)
  • Glacial Spike
    • cold damage starts slightly higher
    • freeze duration is now 2 seconds and doesn't scale with levels
    • starting mana cost increased to 30 (was 10)
    • freeze duration synergy is now 5% (was 3%)
    • synergies from Ice Bolt & Frozen Orb changed to Blizzard & Ice Barrage
  • Chilling Armor
    • creates single blizzard spike per counter ranged attack
    • chills melee on successful strike
    • duration now starts higher and scales less with levels
    • duration synergies removed
    • synergies are now 10% (was 7%)
  • Ice Barrage
    • new skill that shoots ice lances which have AOE impact that chills
    • Additional missiles as you level (max 5)
    • Does not pierce, but does shotgun
  • Blizzard
    • improved ground density
    • damage scaling reduced
    • synergy for Ice Blast removed
    • synergies are now 9% (was 5%)
  • Frozen Orb
    • removed cooldown
    • damage reduced
    • cold length reduced
    • mana cost reduced
    • now also has Ice Blast as a synergy
    • synergies are now 3% (was 2%)
  • Cold Mastery
    • high pierce, low damage
    • pierce reduced to 5% +2% per level (was 20% +5%)
    • now also adds cold damage (10% +2% per level)
  • Charged Bolt
    • now also has Telekinesis as a synergy
    • synergies are now 4% (was 6%)
  • Telekinesis
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 1 (was 6)
    • large damage buff
    • now has Charged Bolt & Nova as synergies at 14%
  • Static Field
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 1 (was 6)
    • radius reduced
    • reduces enemy life to 50%/65%/80% in normal/nightmare/hell (was 0%/33%/50%)
    • now also has -1% to enemy lightning resistance per level (breaks immunities)
  • Nova
    • prerequisites changed (now requires Charged Bolt instead of Static Field)
    • minimum lightning damage scaling improved slightly at low levels
    • mana cost halved
    • now has Charged Bolt & Telekinesis as synergies at 3%
  • Lightning
    • maximum lightning damage starts at 30 (was 40)
    • synergy from Nova removed
    • synergies are now 6% (was 8%)
  • Teleport
    • 50% spell damage debuff for 1 second on cast
    • uses lightning FCR frames
    • damage debuff reduced by 1% per hard point
  • Chain Lightning
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 24 (was 18)
    • mana cost scaling halved
    • synergy for Nova removed
    • synergies are now 5% (was 4%)
  • Thunder Storm
    • prerequisites reduced from 5 to 3 (no longer requires Static Field, Chain Lightning)
    • time between attacks goes down with hard points and starts at 2 seconds (was 4.4)
    • casts nova on impact
    • damage scaling reduced
    • now has Lightning & Nova as synergies at 4%
  • Energy Shield
    • moved in the skill tree (still requires level 24)
    • absorb reduced to 10% +2% per level (was 20% +5%)
    • absorb caps at 80% (was 95%)
    • synergy from telekinesis nerfed (now has 225%-100% damage taken, was 200%-75%)
  • Fire Bolt
    • damage scaling increased
    • synergy from Meteor changed to Combustion
    • synergies are now 20% (was 16%)
  • Warmth
    • now also adds flat attack rating (10 + 10 per level)
  • Inferno
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 1 (was 6)
    • faster spray speed
    • damage increased
    • range reduced
    • mana cost reduced
    • now has Fire Wall & Blaze as synergies instead of Warmth
    • synergies are now 20% (was 13%)
  • Blaze
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 6 (was 12)
    • mana cost scales less per level
    • duration increased slightly
  • Fire Wall
    • moved in the skill tree, requires level 12 (was 18)
    • reduced duration
    • reduced cooldown
  • Fire Ball
    • synergy from Meteor changed to Combustion
  • Lesser Hydra
    • new skill that summons hydras which shoot fire bolts
  • Enchant Fire
    • renamed from Enchant
    • prerequisites increased from 1 to 4 (now also requires Lesser Hydra)
    • now correctly applies 1/3 of damage to ranged attacks
    • damage scaling increased slightly
    • synergy is now 15% (was 9%)
  • Meteor
    • moved in the skill tree
    • now also deals physical damage (25% physical, 75% fire)
    • cooldown reduced
    • meteors fall faster
    • synergy from Fire Bolt replaced with Fire Wall
    • synergies now affect all damage (was just fire/fire/burning)
    • synergies are now 5% (was 5%/5%/3%)
  • Combustion
    • new skill which shoots fire balls in all directions, has a long cooldown
  • Hydra
    • prerequisites increased from 4 to 5 (now also requires Lesser Hydra)
    • shoots Fire Balls instead of Fire Bolts
    • damage increased
    • synergy from Fire Ball changed to Lesser Hydra
    • synergies are now 6% (was 3%)
  • Fire Mastery
    • medium damage, medium pierce
    • now also adds pierce (1% per level)
    • damage reduced to 20% +4% per level (was 30% +7%)