Translations:Patch Notes/1419/en

From Project Diablo 2
Revision as of 17:17, 28 December 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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  • Poison nova level 1-8 scaling reduced from 7-7 to 6-6
  • Poison nova level 8-16 scaling reduced from 8-8 to 7-7
  • Poison nova level 16-22 scaling reduced from 9-9 to 8-8
  • Poison nova level 22-28 scaling reduced from 11-11 to 9-9
  • Poison nova synergies reduced from 14% to 10%
  • Bone armor cooldown increased from .5 seconds to 2 seconds (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
  • Terror base movement speed reduction increased from -5% to -10%
  • Terror radius reduced from 6.6 yards to 6
  • Attract duration now caps at 15 seconds
  • Attract duration per level reduced from 2.4 seconds per level to 0.2
  • Raise skeleton archer life per level increased from 3% to 6%
  • Skeleton archers skeleton mastery synergy reduced from 8% to 6%
  • Skeleton archers now have a 2% raise skeleton warrior synergy
  • Skeleton warriors now have a 2% raise skeleton archer synergy
  • Skeleton warrior skeleton mastery synergy reduced from 8% to 6%
  • Skeleton warriors life per level reduced from 15% to 14%
  • Raise skeletal mages life per level reduced from 14% to 12%
  • Clay, blood, iron and fire golem now have a 1 second cooldown (these cooldowns are independent of each other)
  • Amplify damage radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Amplify damage base radius increased from 4 yards to 6
  • Weaken radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Weaken base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
  • Dim vision radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Dim vision now has a curse mastery radius synergy
  • Iron Maiden radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Iron maiden base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
  • Confuse radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Confuse base radius increased from 4 yards to 6.6
  • Lifetap radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Attract radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Decrepify radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Decrepify base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
  • Lower resist radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
  • Lower resist base radius reduced from 6.6 yards to 6 yards
  • Dark pact level 16-22 scaling reduced from 3-5 per level to 3-4 per level
  • Dark pact level 28+ scaling reduced from 9-11 to 8-10