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Archived PD2 Tools & Links
Name Author Description
D2 Filter Picker mik1893 Tool to quickly switch loot filter in use, selecting it from an online repository of filters. Can be customized to use your own list of filters. (PD2's launcher does this now)
PD2 Tooling Meeps Item reference and search tool (site offline)
PD2 RuneWizard itsme Shows runewords based on selected runes, with runeword info available on mouse-over (last updated 2021-02-07)
Runecatcher msr- Shows runewords based on selected runes, item types, sockets, and magic properties (last updated in S3)
Runeword Explorer Fractall_Games Shows runewords based on selected runes, item types, sockets, stats, etc (vanilla & pd2) (last updated in S3)
Singleplayer Item Pack Swoosh Includes items & characters for singleplayer with PlugY (older versions: S1 S2) (last updated in S3)
Maxroll PD2 Planner Riv Full character planner (briefly supported during S4, save/load and some other features no longer work)