Translations:Item Bases/21/en

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Maximum Sockets for Weapons
Item (Normal) Before After Item (Exceptional) Before After Item (Elite) Before After
Hand Axe 2 Hatchet 2 3 Tomahawk 2 3
Axe 4 Cleaver 4 Small Crescent 4
Double Axe 4/5/5 Twin Axe 4/5/5 Ettin Axe 4/5/5
Military Pick 4/5/6 Crowbill 4/5/6 War Spike 4/5/6
War Axe 4/5/6 Naga 4/5/6 Berserker Axe 4/5/6
Large Axe 4 Military Axe 4 4/5/5 Feral Axe 4 4/5/5
Broad Axe 4/5/5 Bearded Axe 4/5/5 Silver-edged Axe 4/5/5
Battle Axe 4/5/5 Tabar 4/5/5 Decapitator 4/5/5
Great Axe 4/5/6 Gothic Axe 4/5/6 Champion Axe 4/5/6
Giant Axe 4/5/6 Ancient Axe 4/5/6 Glorious Axe 4/5/6
Club 2 Cudgel 2 3 Truncheon 2 3
Spiked Club 2 Barbed Club 3 Tyrant Club 3
Mace 2 Flanged Mace 2 3 Reinforced Mace 2 3
Morning Star 3 Jagged Star 3 Devil Star 3
Flail 3/4/5 Knout 3/4/5 Scourge 3/4/5
War Hammer 3/4/4 Battle Hammer 3/4/4 Legendary Mallet 3/4/4
Maul 3/4/6 War Club 3/4/6 Ogre Maul 3/4/6
Great Maul 3/4/6 Martel de Fer 3/4/6 Thunder Maul 3/4/6
Short Sword 2 Gladius 2 3 Falcata 2 3
Scimitar 2 Cutlass 2 3 Ataghan 2 3
Sabre 2 Shamshir 2 3 Elegant Blade 2 3
Falchion 2 Tulwar 2 3 Hydra Edge 2 3
Crystal Sword 3/4/6 Dimensional Blade 3/4/6 Phase Blade 3/4/6
Broad Sword 3/4/4 Battle Sword 3/4/4 Conquest Sword 3/4/4
Long Sword 3/4/4 Rune Sword 3/4/4 Cryptic Sword 3/4/4
War Sword 3 Ancient Sword 3 Mythical Sword 3
Two-handed Sword 3 Espandon 3 Legend Sword 3
Claymore 3/4/4 Dacian Falx 3/4/4 Highland Blade 3/4/4
Giant Sword 3/4/4 Tusk Sword 3/4/4 Balrog Blade 3/4/4
Bastard Sword 3/4/4 Gothic Sword 3/4/4 Champion Sword 3/4/4
Flamberge 3/4/5 Zweihander 3/4/5 Colossus Sword 3/4/5
Great Sword 3/4/6 Executioner's Sword 3/4/6 Colossus Blade 3/4/6
Dagger 1 Poignard 1 2 Bone Knife 1 2
Dirk 1 Rondel 1 2 Mithril Point 1 2
Kris 2/3/3 Cinquedeas 2/3/3 Fanged Knife 2/3/3
Blade 2 Stiletto 2 Legend Spike 2
Spear 3 War Spear 3 Hyperion Spear 3
Trident 3/4/4 Fuscina 3/4/4 Stygian Pike 3/4/4
Brandistock 3/4/5 War Fork 3/4/5 Mancatcher 3/4/5
Spetum 3/4/6 Yari 3/4/6 Ghost Spear 3/4/6
Pike 3/4/6 Lance 3/4/6 War Pike 3/4/6
Bardiche 3 Lochaber Axe 3 3/4/4 Ogre Axe 3 3/4/4
Voulge 3/4/4 Bill 3/4/4 Colossus Voulge 3/4/4
Scythe 3/4/5 Battle Scythe 3/4/5 Thresher 3/4/5
Poleaxe 3/4/5 Partizan 3/4/5 Cryptic Axe 3/4/5
Halberd 3/4/6 Bec-de-Corbin 3/4/6 Great Poleaxe 3/4/6
War Scythe 3/4/6 Grim Scythe 3/4/6 Giant Thresher 3/4/6
Short Bow 3 Edge Bow 3 3/4/4 Spider Bow 3 3/4/4
Hunter’s Bow 3/4/4 Razor Bow 3/4/4 Blade Bow 3/4/4
Long Bow 3/4/5 Cedar Bow 3/4/5 Shadow Bow 3/4/5 3/4/6
Composite Bow 3/4/4 Double Bow 3/4/4 Great Bow 3/4/4
Short Battle Bow 3/4/5 Short Siege Bow 3/4/5 Diamond Bow 3/4/5
Long Battle Bow 3/4/6 Large Siege Bow 3/4/6 Crusader Bow 3/4/6
Short War Bow 3/4/5 Rune Bow 3/4/5 Ward Bow 3/4/5
Long War Bow 3/4/6 Gothic Bow 3/4/6 Hydra Bow 3/4/6
Light Crossbow 3 Arbalest 3 3/4/4 Pellet Bow 3 3/4/4
Crossbow 3/4/4 Siege Crossbow 3/4/4 Gorgon Crossbow 3/4/4
Heavy Crossbow 3/4/6 Ballista 3/4/6 Colossus Crossbow 3/4/6
Repeating Crossbow 3/4/5 Chu-Ko-Nu 3/4/5 Demon Crossbow 3/4/5
Short Staff 2 Jo Staff 2 3 Walking Stick 2 3
Long Staff 3 Quarterstaff 3 Stalagmite 3
Gnarled Staff 4 Cedar Staff 4 Elder Staff 4
Battle Staff 4 Gothic Staff 4 Shillelagh 4
War Staff 5/6/6 Rune Staff 5/6/6 Archon Staff 5/6/6
Wand 1 Burnt Wand 1 Polished Wand 2
Yew Wand 1 Petrified Wand 2 Ghost Wand 2
Bone Wand 2 Tomb Wand 2 Lich Wand 2
Grim Wand 2 Grave Wand 2 Unearthed Wand 2
Scepter 2 Rune Scepter 2 3 Mighty Scepter 2 3
Grand Scepter 3 Holy Water Sprinkler 3 Seraph Rod 3
War Scepter 3/5/5 Divine Scepter 3/5/5 Caduceus 3/5/5
Katar 2 Quhab 2/3/3 Suwayyah 2/3/3
Wrist Blade 2 Wrist Spike 2 2/3/3 Wrist Sword 2/3/3
Hatchet Hands 2 Fascia 2 2/3/3 War Fist 2 2/3/3
Cestus 2 Hand Scythe 2 2/3/3 Battle Cestus 2 2/3/3
Claws 2/3/3 Greater Claws 2/3/3 Feral Claws 2/3/3
Blade Talons 2/3/3 Greater Talons 2/3/3 Runic Talons 2/3/3
Scissors Katar 2/3/3 Scissors Quhab 2/3/3 Scissors Suwayyah 2/3/3
Eagle Orb 2 Glowing Orb 2 Heavenly Stone 2
Sacred Globe 2 Crystalline Globe 2 Eldritch Orb 2
Smoked Sphere 2 Cloudy Sphere 2 Demon Heart 2
Clasped Orb 2 Sparkling Ball 2 Vortex Orb 2
Jared's Stone 2/3/3 Swirling Crystal 2/3/3 Dimensional Shard 2/3/3
Stag Bow 3/4/5 Ashwood Bow 3/4/5 Matriarchal Bow 3/4/5
Reflex Bow 3/4/5 Ceremonial Bow 3/4/5 Grand Matron Bow 3/4/5
Maiden Spear 3/4/6 Ceremonial Spear 3/4/6 Matriarchal Spear 3/4/6
Maiden Pike 3/4/6 Ceremonial Pike 3/4/6 Matriarchal Pike 3/4/6

Weapons with multiple values such as 3/4/6 have different maximum sockets depending on their ilvl (1-25/26-40/41+) and the socket values are colored orange if the item's quality level is higher than the ilvl range, signifying they won't drop at those ilvls. Throwing weapons are not listed here because they cannot get sockets.