Translations:Item Bases/11/en

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Base Speed Modifiers
Item (Normal) Before After Item (Exceptional) Before After Item (Elite) Before After
Hand Axe 0 Hatchet 0 Tomahawk 0
Axe 10 Cleaver 10 Small Crescent 10
Double Axe 10 Twin Axe 10 Ettin Axe 10
Military Pick -10 Crowbill -10 War Spike -10
War Axe 0 Naga 0 Berserker Axe 0
Large Axe -10 Military Axe -10 Feral Axe -15
Broad Axe 0 Bearded Axe 0 Silver-edged Axe 0
Battle Axe 10 Tabar 10 Decapitator 10
Great Axe -10 Gothic Axe -10 Champion Axe -10
Giant Axe 10 Ancient Axe 10 Glorious Axe 10
Club -10 Cudgel -10 Truncheon -10
Spiked Club 0 Barbed Club 0 Tyrant Club 0
Mace 0 Flanged Mace 0 Reinforced Mace 0
Morning Star 10 Jagged Star 10 Devil Star 10
Flail -10 Knout -10 Scourge -10
War Hammer 20 Battle Hammer 20 Legendary Mallet 20
Maul 10 War Club 10 Ogre Maul 10
Great Maul 20 Martel de Fer 20 Thunder Maul 20
Short Sword 0 Gladius 0 Falcata 0
Scimitar -20 Cutlass -30 Ataghan -20
Sabre -10 Shamshir -10 Elegant Blade -10
Falchion 20 Tulwar 20 Hydra Edge 10
Crystal Sword 0 Dimensional Blade 0 Phase Blade -30
Broad Sword 0 Battle Sword 0 Conquest Sword 0
Long Sword -10 Rune Sword -10 Cryptic Sword -10
War Sword 0 Ancient Sword 0 Mythical Sword 0
Two-handed Sword 0 Espandon 0 Legend Sword -15
Claymore 10 Dacian Falx 10 Highland Blade -5
Giant Sword 0 Tusk Sword 0 Balrog Blade 0
Bastard Sword 10 Gothic Sword 10 Champion Sword -10
Flamberge -10 Zweihander -10 Colossus Sword 10
Great Sword 10 Executioner's Sword 10 Colossus Blade 5
Dagger -20 Poignard -20 Bone Knife -20
Dirk 0 Rondel 0 Mithril Point 0
Kris -20 Cinquedeas -20 Fanged Knife -20
Blade -10 Stiletto -10 Legend Spike -10
Throwing Knife 0 Battle Dart 0 Flying Knife 0
Throwing Axe 10 Francisca 10 Flying Axe 10
Balanced Knife -20 War Dart -20 Winged Knife -20
Balanced Axe -10 Hurlbat -10 Winged Axe -10
Javelin -10 War Javelin -10 Hyperion Javelin -10
Pilum 0 Great Pilum 0 Stygian Pilum 0
Short Spear 10 Simbilan 10 Balrog Spear 10
Glaive 20 Spiculum 20 Ghost Glaive 20
Throwing Spear -10 Harpoon -10 Winged Harpoon -10
Spear -10 War Spear -10 Hyperion Spear -10
Trident 0 Fuscina 0 Stygian Pike 0
Brandistock -20 War Fork -20 Mancatcher -20
Spetum 0 Yari 0 Ghost Spear 0
Pike 20 Lance 20 War Pike 20
Bardiche 10 Lochaber Axe 10 Ogre Axe 0
Voulge 0 Bill 0 Colossus Voulge 10
Scythe -10 Battle Scythe -10 Thresher -10
Poleaxe 10 Partizan 10 Cryptic Axe 10
Halberd 0 Bec-de-Corbin 0 Great Poleaxe 0
War Scythe -10 Grim Scythe -10 Giant Thresher -10
Short Bow 5 Edge Bow 5 Spider Bow 5
Hunter’s Bow -10 Razor Bow -10 Blade Bow -10
Long Bow 0 Cedar Bow 0 Shadow Bow 0
Composite Bow -10 Double Bow -10 Great Bow -10
Short Battle Bow 0 Short Siege Bow 0 Diamond Bow 0
Long Battle Bow 10 Large Siege Bow 10 Crusader Bow 10
Short War Bow 0 Rune Bow 0 Ward Bow 0
Long War Bow 10 Gothic Bow 10 Hydra Bow 10
Light Crossbow -10 Arbalest -10 Pellet Bow -10
Crossbow 0 Siege Crossbow 0 Gorgon Crossbow 0
Heavy Crossbow 10 Ballista 10 Colossus Crossbow 10
Repeating Crossbow -40 Chu-Ko-Nu -60 Demon Crossbow -60
Short Staff -10 Jo Staff -10 Walking Stick -10
Long Staff 0 Quarterstaff 0 Stalagmite 10
Gnarled Staff 10 Cedar Staff 10 Elder Staff 0
Battle Staff 0 Gothic Staff 0 Shillelagh 0
War Staff 20 Rune Staff 20 Archon Staff 10
Scepter 0 Rune Scepter 0 Mighty Scepter 0
Grand Scepter 10 Holy Water Sprinkler 10 Seraph Rod 10
War Scepter -10 Divine Scepter -10 Caduceus -10
Katar -10 Quhab 0 Suwayyah 0
Wrist Blade 0 Wrist Spike -10 Wrist Sword -10
Hatchet Hands 10 Fascia 10 War Fist 10
Cestus 0 Hand Scythe -10 Battle Cestus -10
Claws -10 Greater Claws -20 Feral Claws -20
Blade Talons -20 Greater Talons -30 Runic Talons -30
Scissors Katar -10 Scissors Quhab 0 Scissors Suwayyah 0
Stag Bow 0 Ashwood Bow 0 Matriarchal Bow -10
Reflex Bow 10 Ceremonial Bow 10 Grand Matron Bow 10
Maiden Spear 0 -10 Ceremonial Spear 0 -10 Matriarchal Spear 0 -10
Maiden Pike 10 0 Ceremonial Pike 20 10 Matriarchal Pike 20 10
Maiden Javelin -10 Ceremonial Javelin -10 Matriarchal Javelin -10

Negative values mean the weapon attacks faster. Wands and Orbs are not listed here since they aren't attacked with (and their speed is unchanged).