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Dragon Flight CD is 2 seconds
Dragon Flight CD is 2 seconds
Shadow Disciplines
== Shadow Disciplines ==
Burst of Speed attack speed is hard points only. Will work with Whirlwind changes.
Burst of Speed attack speed is hard points only. Will work with Whirlwind changes.
Mind Blast Remove stun after lvl 1. Increased AOE with soft points.
Mind Blast Remove stun after lvl 1. Increased AOE with soft points.
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Cloak of Shadows Fixed Duration (Canight doesnt remember how long.)
Cloak of Shadows Fixed Duration (Canight doesnt remember how long.)

= Necromancer =
== Curses ==
Complete rework of tree
Complete rework of tree
Curse Mastery Improves effect of all curses. Additional curse at 10/20 hardpoints. Curses require hard points to be powerful. Necros can use eachothers curses.
Curse Mastery Improves effect of all curses. Additional curse at 10/20 hardpoints. Curses require hard points to be powerful. Necros can use eachothers curses.
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Decrep/Terror These work together. Max -85% MS
Decrep/Terror These work together. Max -85% MS
== Summons ==
Summon Skeleton Splash. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with soft points. Dont know what you need for cap.)
Summon Skeleton Splash. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with soft points. Dont know what you need for cap.)
Summon Mages Pierce. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with 20 hard points)
Summon Mages Pierce. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with 20 hard points)
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Fire Golem Indirect buff of Aura ticks increased
Fire Golem Indirect buff of Aura ticks increased
== Bone ==
Bone Spirit Faster missile speed
Bone Spirit Faster missile speed
Corpse Explosion 5-10% corpse life damage. Flat fire/phys damage. Synergy with Poison explosion, revive.
Corpse Explosion 5-10% corpse life damage. Flat fire/phys damage. Synergy with Poison explosion, revive.
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Poison Dagger Poison dagger now carries poison damage from gear/charms in the poison clouds released on hit (passive -1% enemy poison res. Only works on the dagger attack and not the cloud.)
Poison Dagger Poison dagger now carries poison damage from gear/charms in the poison clouds released on hit (passive -1% enemy poison res. Only works on the dagger attack and not the cloud.)

= Paladin =
Offensive aura's Aura tick rate increased
== Offensive aura's ==
Aura tick rate increased
Sanctuary applies + magic damage as well as small undead damage bonus
Sanctuary applies + magic damage as well as small undead damage bonus
Might Higher damage
Might Higher damage
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Conviction Got nerfed. (numbers to come soon)
Conviction Got nerfed. (numbers to come soon)
Defensive Aura's Aura tick rate increased, all reworked to have passives now
== Defensive Aura's ==
Aura tick rate increased, all reworked to have passives now
Prayer Health regeneration and life per hit (Passive health regeneration per 2 base skills )
Prayer Health regeneration and life per hit (Passive health regeneration per 2 base skills )
Cleansing Reduce length of posion and curses (passive duration of curses and poison per 2 base skills)
Cleansing Reduce length of posion and curses (passive duration of curses and poison per 2 base skills)
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Vigor (passive 1% FRW per hard point)
Vigor (passive 1% FRW per hard point)
== Combat ==
Zeal number of attacks decreased to 3 from 5 damage has been increased. Avoids animation lock
Zeal number of attacks decreased to 3 from 5 damage has been increased. Avoids animation lock
Conversion Higher chance to convert. 8 second duration at all levels.
Conversion Higher chance to convert. 8 second duration at all levels.
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Fist of Heaven Removed Auto Target and CD
Fist of Heaven Removed Auto Target and CD

= Barbarian =
== Combat ==
Frenzy now is now a level 1 skill, duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28), movement speed reduced, scaling increased, Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that
Frenzy now is now a level 1 skill, duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28), movement speed reduced, scaling increased, Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that
Bash 25% chance if monster is not put in to faster hit recovery animation, if monster is put into FHR animation then no knockback, bash now requires 2 handed weapon,
Bash 25% chance if monster is not put in to faster hit recovery animation, if monster is put into FHR animation then no knockback, bash now requires 2 handed weapon,
Concentrate convert's phys damage to magic, magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point, is now a level 12 skill
Concentrate convert's phys damage to magic, magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point, is now a level 12 skill
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Double Throw Starts at 3, goes up to 5 per weapon. 10 total bounces. Pierce doesn’t effect.
Double Throw Starts at 3, goes up to 5 per weapon. 10 total bounces. Pierce doesn’t effect.
== Warcries ==
Battle Cry reduce enemy physical resistance. Can break immunities
Battle Cry reduce enemy physical resistance. Can break immunities
Grim Ward Grants party members flat attack rating, and damage
Grim Ward Grants party members flat attack rating, and damage
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War Cry Now has scaling AOE. Stun removed. Procs FHR
War Cry Now has scaling AOE. Stun removed. Procs FHR
== Masteries ==
Iron Skin Hard points offer PDR%. Soft points defense
Iron Skin Hard points offer PDR%. Soft points defense
Combat Reflexes Formerly increased stamina. Hard points max HP. Soft points FHR. Stamina bonus.
Combat Reflexes Formerly increased stamina. Hard points max HP. Soft points FHR. Stamina bonus.
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Arms Mastery Improves Swords, axes, maces
Arms Mastery Improves Swords, axes, maces

= Sorceress =
== Fire ==
Meteor 25% phys on impact. Missile falls faster. Fire ground shorter but higher damage. Shorter CD.
Meteor 25% phys on impact. Missile falls faster. Fire ground shorter but higher damage. Shorter CD.
Inferno Faster Spray speed
Inferno Faster Spray speed
Fire Wall Reduced duration. Reduced CD.
Fire Wall Reduced duration. Reduced CD.
Combustion Added for fireball synergy. Long CD. AOE burst fire ball.
Combustion Added for fireball synergy. Long CD. AOE burst fire ball.
Hyrda/Lesser Hydra Lesser shoots fire bolt. Greater shoots fire ball.
Hydra/Lesser Hydra Lesser shoots fire bolt. Greater shoots fire ball.
Fire Mastery Med damage, Med Pierce
Fire Mastery Med damage, Med Pierce
Warmth added Flat attack rating bonus
Warmth added Flat attack rating bonus
== Cold ==
Frozen Orb Shorter Cooldown
Frozen Orb Shorter Cooldown
Blizard Improved ground density
Blizzard Improved ground density
Ice Bolt Faster missile speed
Ice Bolt Faster missile speed
Ice Blast Pierces. Faster missiles
Ice Blast Pierces. Faster missiles
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Cold Mastery High pierce, low damage
Cold Mastery High pierce, low damage
== Lightning ==
Thunder storm time between attacks goes down with increased skills, cast nova on impact
Thunder storm time between attacks goes down with increased skills, cast nova on impact
Static Field Reduces enemy's life to 50% in normal, 65% in nm, 80% in hell. Additionally gives -1% to enemy lightning resistance per soft point. Breaks immunities
Static Field Reduces enemy's life to 50% in normal, 65% in nm, 80% in hell. Additionally gives -1% to enemy lightning resistance per soft point. Breaks immunities
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Telekinesis Large Damage buff. Synergies added.
Telekinesis Large Damage buff. Synergies added.

= Amazon =
== Bow ==
Magic Arrow High flat magic damage. 50% weapon damage. Add 1 arrow every 10 soft points
Magic Arrow High flat magic damage. 50% weapon damage. Add 1 arrow every 10 soft points
Multishot Reduced mana cost, Range reduced greatly
Multi-shot Reduced mana cost, Range reduced greatly
Guided Arrow Now pierces. Can pierce same target 3 times.
Guided Arrow Now pierces. Can pierce same target 3 times.
Strafe No next hit delay. Reduced to 5 attacks from 10.
Strafe No next hit delay. Reduced to 5 attacks from 10.
Fire/Cold Arrow Additional arrow every 4 soft points. Flat damage. Hybrid element/phys damage. Fire increased damage decreased range. Cold is 75% weapon damage. Fire is 100% weapon damage
Fire/Cold Arrow Additional arrow every 4 soft points. Flat damage. Hybrid element/phys damage. Fire increased damage decreased range. Cold is 75% weapon damage. Fire is 100% weapon damage
Exploding Arrow Bigger AOE. AOE triggers on each pierced impact.
Exploding Arrow Bigger AOE. AOE triggers on each pierced impact.
== Javelin ==
Javelin and Spear Mastery Replaces impale IAS per hard point
Javelin and Spear Mastery Replaces impale IAS per hard point
Fend 5 attacks instead of 10
Fend 5 attacks instead of 10
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Lightning Fury Damage and bolts released nerfed. capped at 10 bolts.
Lightning Fury Damage and bolts released nerfed. capped at 10 bolts.
== Passive ==
Inner Sight reduce enemy attack rating (percentage based) and defense
Inner Sight reduce enemy attack rating (percentage based) and defense
Slow Movement reduce enemy missle speed and movement speed
Slow Movement reduce enemy missle speed and movement speed
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Valkyrie Additional valk at lvl 20 and 30. Valks use Power strike. Valks move faster. Can inspect
Valkyrie Additional valk at lvl 20 and 30. Valks use Power strike. Valks move faster. Can inspect
Penetrate (passive -5% to enemy defense per hard point)
Penetrate (passive -5% to enemy defense per hard point)


Revision as of 19:31, 10 November 2020

All classes have been tuned to give a better and customized gameplay on Project D2

Reference: FRW = Faster Run/Walk IAS = Increased Attack Speed AOE = Area of Effect CD = Cooldown AS = Attack speed MDR = Magic Damage Resistance PDR = Physical Damage Resistance FHR = Faster Hit Recovery HP = Health Points AR = Attack Rating MS = Movement Speed

Here's a summary of the changes on each class:



You may only have 1 spirit and 1 vine up at a time all other summons may be active Oak Sage Grats flat life instead of % life as well as provides life regen aura that (scales from points in carrion / solar) Carrion Grats aoe heal to nearby allies whenever it consumes a corpse solar Grats aoe mana to nearby allies whenever it consumes a corpse Raven now hits 3 times, caps at 12 ravens and every 10 hard points you can summon an additional raven per cast (max 3) ravens now have both wolves and grizzly as synergies and are part of the summon toolkit as well as doing small splash damage and partal cold

Spirit of Barbs now has flat reflect damage value that scales instead of % of monsters reflected Grizzly now has melee splash at 20 hard points grants a second bear


Rabies Spread tick rate increased and spread radius increased Hunger allows werebear form to consume corpses for a short buff to movement speed, life leach, and critical strike change Werebear is now level 1 skill and grants enchanced damage% and defese% (keep in mind defense works while moving) werebear now grats buff to summon grizzly i.e. leader of the pack and decrese to wolves. (infinite Duration "9999 seconds") Werewolf grants enchanced damage %, attack speed % and 1 flat mdr +pdr every 3 levels werewolf now grats buff to wolves i.e. leader of the pack and decrease to grizzly (infinite Duration "9999 seconds") Lycanthropy now grants increased maximum life and attack rating to all shapeshift forms Fury 3 hit cap instead of 5 Shockwave Stun is always 0.2 seconds. Damage scales. Increased range and projectile speed. Werebear, Twister, Tornado synergies.


Gust teleport stuns on arrival, soft points lower cooldown (.5 seconds cap) (does not work while shapeshifted) Artic Blast now is level 1 skill also has bigger hit box and travels faster and is part of wind druid synergy Twister now grants additional twister's based on soft points (14 max twisters) No shotgun Tornado Hit box improved (bigger) Firestorm increased AOE based on skill level Molten Boulder Increased missile speed based on soft points Fissure density increased, cooldown reduced, next hit delay removed Volcano cooldown reduced, next hit delay reduced Armageddon aoe decreased, fall rate increased Cyclone Armor No longer wind skill synergy. Small CD.



Chain Lightning Sentry Added skill at lvl 30. Chain radius same as sorc. Bounces up to 5 times. Death Sentry Only explodes corpses. Flat phys/fire damage. 5-10% corpse life. lvl 30. Fire Blast extra missile per 4 hard point up to 6. Shock Web no next hit delay. Larger Ground spread. Blade Fury Pierces. Attack trigger time affected by attack speed. 100% weapon damage and no longer reduced by 2h weapons Blade Sentinel Moves Faster. Gets stuck less. No longer counts toward trap count.

Martial Arts

No changes in Season 1 per Ztaziz (ztaziz was wrong) Dragon Talon Kick Capped at 3 attacks Dragon Flight CD is 2 seconds

Shadow Disciplines

Burst of Speed attack speed is hard points only. Will work with Whirlwind changes. Mind Blast Remove stun after lvl 1. Increased AOE with soft points. Psychic Hammer Huge Damage increase. Synergies added. Claw/Dagger Mastery Changed from only claw mastery. Fade damage reduction reduced Cloak of Shadows Fixed Duration (Canight doesnt remember how long.)



Complete rework of tree Curse Mastery Improves effect of all curses. Additional curse at 10/20 hardpoints. Curses require hard points to be powerful. Necros can use eachothers curses. Dark Pact Consumes curses on targets and does damage for ea curse. Only consumes 3 curses even with Darkforce. First curse remains after using with Darkforce Amplify Damage Reduce enemy PDR% Dim Vision Reduce enemy AR Terror Reduce enemy MS per point base Confuse Increase AS of monsters Attract Reduce enemy defense. Decrepify No longer reduce's enemy PDR% or damage. Reduce MS, AS, and cast rate. Decrep/Terror These work together. Max -85% MS


Summon Skeleton Splash. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with soft points. Dont know what you need for cap.) Summon Mages Pierce. Damage increased. Less skeletons able to be summoned. (8 max with 20 hard points) Golem Mastery Every 5 hard points gives additional golem. up to 5. Iron Golem Has splash if created with a weapon. Only first iron golem created is perm. Clay Golem has splash Revive Total of 6 revives at 20 hard points. Can get 3 more with eternity RW. Fire Golem Indirect buff of Aura ticks increased


Bone Spirit Faster missile speed Corpse Explosion 5-10% corpse life damage. Flat fire/phys damage. Synergy with Poison explosion, revive. Bone Spear Additional spear at 15/25 skill. Three spears cannot hit one target. Blood Warp Teleport. Cooldown reduced with points. 12% max health cost per cast. Desecrate Produces Bodies. Poison explosion on cast. Can be corpse exploded. The bodies that are produced are monsters from the area you cast the spell at. Poison Dagger Poison dagger now carries poison damage from gear/charms in the poison clouds released on hit (passive -1% enemy poison res. Only works on the dagger attack and not the cloud.)


Offensive aura's

Aura tick rate increased Sanctuary applies + magic damage as well as small undead damage bonus Might Higher damage Sanctuary Has flat magic damage applied to attacks. Magic damage aura tick. Blessed Aim (Passive 10% increased AR per hard point.) Fanaticism Damage buff reduced to 8% for self and 4% for party Conviction Got nerfed. (numbers to come soon)

Defensive Aura's

Aura tick rate increased, all reworked to have passives now Prayer Health regeneration and life per hit (Passive health regeneration per 2 base skills ) Cleansing Reduce length of posion and curses (passive duration of curses and poison per 2 base skills) Meditation increase mana recovery (passive mana per kill per 5 base skills ) Redemption No longer grants +life for redeemed corpses. Fire/Cold/Lightning Resist Grants bonus to elemental damage for each respective element. Salvation Grants a bonus to all elemental damage. Vigor (passive 1% FRW per hard point)


Zeal number of attacks decreased to 3 from 5 damage has been increased. Avoids animation lock Conversion Higher chance to convert. 8 second duration at all levels. Joust Teleport to enemy and impale them. FRW boost when landing. Hard points increase FRW. Small CD. Crit buff. Holy Bolt Pierces allies and enemies. Heals and damages. Holy Light Single target heal Holy Nova Long CD. AOE heal and damage. Fist of Heaven Removed Auto Target and CD



Frenzy now is now a level 1 skill, duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28), movement speed reduced, scaling increased, Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that Bash 25% chance if monster is not put in to faster hit recovery animation, if monster is put into FHR animation then no knockback, bash now requires 2 handed weapon, Concentrate convert's phys damage to magic, magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point, is now a level 12 skill Berserk reduces your physical resistance for .5 seconds after berserking, scaling physical resistance pierce, is now a level 24 skill. Now physical damage. Leap/Leap Attack AOE on landing. Hard point's increase the speed of the leap (also has bad ass sound effect now) can Leech, Gorefoots increase speed. Whirlwind increase the movement speed (4% per soft point), also movement speed increase speed of Whirlwind, will not apply splash. Double Throw Starts at 3, goes up to 5 per weapon. 10 total bounces. Pierce doesn’t effect.


Battle Cry reduce enemy physical resistance. Can break immunities Grim Ward Grants party members flat attack rating, and damage Battle Command Gain 1 addition skill point every 10 hard points, and enhanced damage, 2% damage per soft point. Battle Order's 15 life 15 mana per level. Flat increase. War Cry Now has scaling AOE. Stun removed. Procs FHR


Iron Skin Hard points offer PDR%. Soft points defense Combat Reflexes Formerly increased stamina. Hard points max HP. Soft points FHR. Stamina bonus. Ranged Mastery Adds pierce. Applies to Bow and Crossbow as well. Polearm and spear Improves Polearms and Spears Arms Mastery Improves Swords, axes, maces



Meteor 25% phys on impact. Missile falls faster. Fire ground shorter but higher damage. Shorter CD. Inferno Faster Spray speed Fire Wall Reduced duration. Reduced CD. Combustion Added for fireball synergy. Long CD. AOE burst fire ball. Hydra/Lesser Hydra Lesser shoots fire bolt. Greater shoots fire ball. Fire Mastery Med damage, Med Pierce Warmth added Flat attack rating bonus


Frozen Orb Shorter Cooldown Blizzard Improved ground density Ice Bolt Faster missile speed Ice Blast Pierces. Faster missiles Ice Barrage AOE impact that chills. Additional missles as you level (max 5). Shotguns. No pierce Cold Enchant Can use enchant fire and cold together. Chilling armor Creates single blizzard spike per counter ranged attack. Chills melee on successful strike. Cold Mastery High pierce, low damage


Thunder storm time between attacks goes down with increased skills, cast nova on impact Static Field Reduces enemy's life to 50% in normal, 65% in nm, 80% in hell. Additionally gives -1% to enemy lightning resistance per soft point. Breaks immunities Teleport 50% spell damage debuff for 1 second on cast. Teleport uses lightning FCR frames. Damage debuff reduced by hard points. Lightning pierce no pierce, high damage Energy Shield Asorb caps at 80%. Synergy from telekenisis has been nerfed. Telekinesis Large Damage buff. Synergies added.



Magic Arrow High flat magic damage. 50% weapon damage. Add 1 arrow every 10 soft points Multi-shot Reduced mana cost, Range reduced greatly Guided Arrow Now pierces. Can pierce same target 3 times. Strafe No next hit delay. Reduced to 5 attacks from 10. Fire/Cold Arrow Additional arrow every 4 soft points. Flat damage. Hybrid element/phys damage. Fire increased damage decreased range. Cold is 75% weapon damage. Fire is 100% weapon damage Exploding Arrow Bigger AOE. AOE triggers on each pierced impact.


Javelin and Spear Mastery Replaces impale IAS per hard point Fend 5 attacks instead of 10 Power Strike Lightning Nova on attack. Main target gets primary lightning damage + Nova damage Poison Javelin Increased damage. Poison done over .5 seconds. Plague Javelin Poison damage done over 3 seconds. (fixed) Lightning Fury Damage and bolts released nerfed. capped at 10 bolts.


Inner Sight reduce enemy attack rating (percentage based) and defense Slow Movement reduce enemy missle speed and movement speed Evade level 6. Scaling FRW added Dodge Grants bonus FHR per hard point, removed animation Pierce Level 12. Valkyrie Additional valk at lvl 20 and 30. Valks use Power strike. Valks move faster. Can inspect Penetrate (passive -5% to enemy defense per hard point)

Source: Credits on the Source of this data: Credit to Sawyer on having a lot of this information readily available! Credit to JdmJohn for starting this! and for the idea! Credit to Canight! Gave a lot of detailed info on this! Credit to DrunkYoda for keeping this up to date and helping complete it!

Honorable Mentions: Faf Cashmere