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= Barbarian =
== Combat ==
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Frenzy now is now a level 1 skill, duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28), movement speed reduced, scaling increased, Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that
Bash 25% chance if monster is not put in to faster hit recovery animation, if monster is put into FHR animation then no knockback, bash now requires 2 handed weapon,
Concentrate convert's phys damage to magic, magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point, is now a level 12 skill
Berserk reduces your physical resistance for .5 seconds after berserking, scaling physical resistance pierce, is now a level 24 skill. Now physical damage.
*Now is now a level 1 skill
Leap/Leap Attack AOE on landing. Hard point's increase the speed of the leap (also has bad ass sound effect now) can Leech, Gorefoots increase speed.
*Duration increased (8 seconds at level 1 scaling up to 36 seconds at level 28)
Whirlwind increase the movement speed (4% per soft point), also movement speed increase speed of Whirlwind, will not apply splash.
*Movement speed reduced
Double Throw Starts at 3, goes up to 5 per weapon. 10 total bounces. Pierce doesn’t effect.
*Scaling increased, Gains 2% velocity per level until 16%, 1% per level after that
*25% chance if monster is not put in to faster hit recovery animation
*If monster is put into FHR animation then no knockback
*Bash now requires 2 handed weapon,
*Is now a level 12 skill
*Convert's phys damage to magic
*Magic damage conversion increased 2% per hard point
*Is now a level 24 skill.
*Now physical damage.
*Reduces your physical resistance for .5 seconds after berserking.
*Scaling physical resistance pierce.
|'''Leap/Leap Attack'''
*AOE on landing.
*Hard point's increase the speed of the leap (also has bad ass sound effect now) can Leech,
*Gorefoots increase speed.
*Increase the movement speed (4% per soft point)
*Movement speed increase speed of Whirlwind
*Will not apply splash.
|'''Double Throw'''
*Starts at 3, goes up to 5 per weapon. 10 total bounces.
*Pierce doesn’t effect.
== Warcries ==
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Battle Cry reduce enemy physical resistance. Can break immunities
Grim Ward Grants party members flat attack rating, and damage
|Battle Cry reduce enemy physical resistance. Can break immunities
Battle Command Gain 1 addition skill point every 10 hard points, and enhanced damage, 2% damage per soft point.
Battle Order's 15 life 15 mana per level. Flat increase.
|Grim Ward Grants party members flat attack rating, and damage
War Cry Now has scaling AOE. Stun removed. Procs FHR
|Battle Command Gain 1 addition skill point every 10 hard points, and enhanced damage, 2% damage per soft point.
|Battle Order's 15 life 15 mana per level. Flat increase.
|War Cry Now has scaling AOE. Stun removed. Procs FHR
== Masteries ==
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Iron Skin Hard points offer PDR%. Soft points defense
Combat Reflexes Formerly increased stamina. Hard points max HP. Soft points FHR. Stamina bonus.
|Iron Skin Hard points offer PDR%. Soft points defense
Ranged Mastery Adds pierce. Applies to Bow and Crossbow as well.
Polearm and spear Improves Polearms and Spears
|Combat Reflexes Formerly increased stamina. Hard points max HP. Soft points FHR. Stamina bonus.
Arms Mastery Improves Swords, axes, maces
|Ranged Mastery Adds pierce. Applies to Bow and Crossbow as well.
|Polearm and spear Improves Polearms and Spears
|Arms Mastery Improves Swords, axes, maces
= Sorceress =
== Fire ==
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Meteor 25% phys on impact. Missile falls faster. Fire ground shorter but higher damage. Shorter CD.
Inferno Faster Spray speed
|Meteor 25% phys on impact. Missile falls faster. Fire ground shorter but higher damage. Shorter CD.
Fire Wall Reduced duration. Reduced CD.
|Inferno Faster Spray speed
Combustion Added for fireball synergy. Long CD. AOE burst fire ball.
|Fire Wall Reduced duration. Reduced CD.
Hydra/Lesser Hydra Lesser shoots fire bolt. Greater shoots fire ball.
|Combustion Added for fireball synergy. Long CD. AOE burst fire ball.
Fire Mastery Med damage, Med Pierce
|Hydra/Lesser Hydra Lesser shoots fire bolt. Greater shoots fire ball.
Warmth added Flat attack rating bonus
|Fire Mastery Med damage, Med Pierce
|Warmth added Flat attack rating bonus
== Cold ==
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Frozen Orb Shorter Cooldown
Blizzard Improved ground density
|Frozen Orb Shorter Cooldown
Ice Bolt Faster missile speed
|Blizzard Improved ground density
Ice Blast Pierces. Faster missiles
|Ice Bolt Faster missile speed
Ice Barrage AOE impact that chills. Additional missles as you level (max 5). Shotguns. No pierce
|Ice Blast Pierces. Faster missiles
Cold Enchant Can use enchant fire and cold together.
|Ice Barrage AOE impact that chills. Additional missles as you level (max 5). Shotguns. No pierce
Chilling armor Creates single blizzard spike per counter ranged attack. Chills melee on successful strike.
|Cold Enchant Can use enchant fire and cold together.
Cold Mastery High pierce, low damage
|Chilling armor Creates single blizzard spike per counter ranged attack. Chills melee on successful strike.
|Cold Mastery High pierce, low damage
== Lightning ==
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Thunder storm time between attacks goes down with increased skills, cast nova on impact
Static Field Reduces enemy's life to 50% in normal, 65% in nm, 80% in hell. Additionally gives -1% to enemy lightning resistance per soft point. Breaks immunities
|Thunder storm time between attacks goes down with increased skills, cast nova on impact
Teleport 50% spell damage debuff for 1 second on cast. Teleport uses lightning FCR frames. Damage debuff reduced by hard points.
|Static Field Reduces enemy's life to 50% in normal, 65% in nm, 80% in hell. Additionally gives -1% to enemy lightning resistance per soft point. Breaks immunities
Lightning pierce no pierce, high damage
|Teleport 50% spell damage debuff for 1 second on cast. Teleport uses lightning FCR frames. Damage debuff reduced by hard points.
Energy Shield Asorb caps at 80%. Synergy from telekenisis has been nerfed.
|Lightning pierce no pierce, high damage
Telekinesis Large Damage buff. Synergies added.
|Energy Shield Asorb caps at 80%. Synergy from telekenisis has been nerfed.
|Telekinesis Large Damage buff. Synergies added.
= Amazon =
== Bow ==
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Magic Arrow High flat magic damage. 50% weapon damage. Add 1 arrow every 10 soft points
Multi-shot Reduced mana cost, Range reduced greatly
|Magic Arrow High flat magic damage. 50% weapon damage. Add 1 arrow every 10 soft points
Guided Arrow Now pierces. Can pierce same target 3 times.
|Multi-shot Reduced mana cost, Range reduced greatly
Strafe No next hit delay. Reduced to 5 attacks from 10.
|Guided Arrow Now pierces. Can pierce same target 3 times.
Fire/Cold Arrow Additional arrow every 4 soft points. Flat damage. Hybrid element/phys damage. Fire increased damage decreased range. Cold is 75% weapon damage. Fire is 100% weapon damage
|Strafe No next hit delay. Reduced to 5 attacks from 10.
Exploding Arrow Bigger AOE. AOE triggers on each pierced impact.
|Fire/Cold Arrow Additional arrow every 4 soft points. Flat damage. Hybrid element/phys damage. Fire increased damage decreased range. Cold is 75% weapon damage. Fire is 100% weapon damage
|Exploding Arrow Bigger AOE. AOE triggers on each pierced impact.
== Javelin ==
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Javelin and Spear Mastery Replaces impale IAS per hard point
Fend 5 attacks instead of 10
|Javelin and Spear Mastery Replaces impale IAS per hard point
Power Strike Lightning Nova on attack. Main target gets primary lightning damage + Nova damage
|Fend 5 attacks instead of 10
Poison Javelin Increased damage. Poison done over .5 seconds.
|Power Strike Lightning Nova on attack. Main target gets primary lightning damage + Nova damage
Plague Javelin Poison damage done over 3 seconds. (fixed)
|Poison Javelin Increased damage. Poison done over .5 seconds.
Lightning Fury Damage and bolts released nerfed. capped at 10 bolts.
|Plague Javelin Poison damage done over 3 seconds. (fixed)
|Lightning Fury Damage and bolts released nerfed. capped at 10 bolts.
== Passive ==
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Inner Sight reduce enemy attack rating (percentage based) and defense
Slow Movement reduce enemy missle speed and movement speed
|Inner Sight reduce enemy attack rating (percentage based) and defense
Evade level 6. Scaling FRW added
|Slow Movement reduce enemy missle speed and movement speed
Dodge Grants bonus FHR per hard point, removed animation
|Evade level 6. Scaling FRW added
Pierce Level 12.
|Dodge Grants bonus FHR per hard point, removed animation
Valkyrie Additional valk at lvl 20 and 30. Valks use Power strike. Valks move faster. Can inspect
|Pierce Level 12.
Penetrate (passive -5% to enemy defense per hard point)
|Valkyrie Additional valk at lvl 20 and 30. Valks use Power strike. Valks move faster. Can inspect
|Penetrate (passive -5% to enemy defense per hard point)
= Source: =
Credits on the Source of this data:
Credit to Sawyer on having a lot of this information readily available!
Credit to JdmJohn for starting this! and for the idea!
Credit to Canight! Gave a lot of detailed info on this!
Credit to DrunkYoda for keeping this up to date and helping complete it!
Honorable Mentions: