
From Project Diablo 2
Revision as of 18:53, 18 September 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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  • Lootfilter issues:
    • The quantity shown with %QTY% doesn't update correctly sometimes when using cube recipes with stacked gems/runes.
    • If the lootfilter attempts to hide stacked gems/runes, they'll usually be loaded regardless and appear with an empty name.
    • Magic items without a prefix/suffix will have an extra space in their name where the prefix/suffix name would be, making the overall name appear slightly off-center.
    • Some items have their default color built into %NAME%, so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely.
    • The GEMLEVEL condition doesn't apply to unstacked flawless/perfect gems like it intuitively should. (individual item codes can be used instead as a workaround)
    • Conditions values get converted to unsigned integers before comparison, which means negative values count backward from the maximum storeable value (a few billion) rather than counting backward from 0 (multiple workarounds exist)
    • Notification keywords bypass the normal rule-handling procedure. (BH quirk, no problems if it's known about when editing notifications)
    • In some cases, items that are correctly shown (name not hidden) on the ground under normal circumstances can become hidden/unloaded after leaving the area and returning. This should only occur with items that aren't shown (name hidden) under normal circumstances. Presumably, the bug can also occur with items dropped by monsters, which makes it impossible to know how prevalent the bug is since players won't be given any indication something is amiss - being unable to find specific items can reasonably be attributed to poor luck. The cause and scope of the bug is undetermined, but it was reproducible in the few instances that it was noticed by lootfilter authors.
    • In some cases where MAPID is used, items that would normally be correctly hidden can be shown instead when moving from an area where they should be shown to an area where they should be hidden. (such as from town to a map via a portal) In these cases, the items will be re-hidden after walking far enough away in the same area and returning.
    • The 1H code doesn't include Hand Axe.
    • Items in the multiplayer shared stash incorrectly have the EQUIPPED flag set if they begin the game there.
    • Strange bug involving SHOP:
ItemDisplay[NMAG SHOP]: show shop items
ItemDisplay[NMAG (NORM OR EXC)]: hide unwanted items
The first rule breaks the second rule, even though there's no %CONTINUE% involved. Instead of hiding those items, they show up as blank text boxes.