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35% OW
I do not use Mara as with CoH the additional res are just not necessary. Further, I value amplify higher than +skills from Highlords (and it is holy expensive atm, so nn).<br>
As the crits, especially CB, as well as LL are overstacked, we could easy replace some items like nosferatus. As said earlier, I am still in the process of finding the best gear (also limited due to the hard economy and the missing trade system).<br>
For DClone I plan to change nosferatus to verdungos for the +15%physdmg reduction and one of my Raven for Dwarf because of the 8% fire absorb. Gully will be replaced by vampire gaze as fare as I thought about it, for obvious reasons (for the newjoiners, Dual leech and also physdmg reduction). We can also get the necessary FHR from Small Charms, so no need to stick with Gully all the time.
Atma`s will be replaced by highlords to not override life tap (see also in FAQ) and to up our CB even further.<br>
We got all we need to Solo almost everything in PD2 (not tested dungeons and DClone). Feels a bit like the good old smite in vanilla. Life tap from LW and the AR is so high, it is ~90% hit chance at the Uber`s, so who needs smite?<br>
We can also withstand hordes of monsters (even might or fana upped ones) in a 8 player Tier 3 map easily with this build and gear. But it should be around 20 HR`s at the moment, so I don`t think it is achievable for everyone.
=== '''Here some other options for your gear in high-end''' ===