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Q: If you use last wish and life tap is applied, then if you have other gear such as exile/atma`s which will cast amplify damage, wouldn't that remove the life tap? <br>
A: Yes, it would. You have to balance here. For regular gameplay I mostly use botd and atma`s to get rid of the physimmunes faster. Last Wish is just my endgame weapon for Uber and DClone. I will add an extra section regarding Ubertrist soon for further information.<br><br>
Q: And last, how big is life tap really in comparison to just a lot of life leech? I know why it makes sense for a smiter, but with a zealer its just essentially more life leech yes?<br>
A: Again, in regular gameplay the mentioned 15%+LL are well enough, we do not need life tap. It is only necessary for Ubertrist and Dclone because of the reduced drain effectiveness.<br><br>
== '''How To: Ubertrist''' ==
Since life tap is not as easily available as in Vanilla, I would like to give you some further guidance on how to crush Ubertrist with your Uberzealer. Please note, that you, in addition to your last wish or if you do not have it yet, might get the chance to buy a stick with life tap charges at the A5 shop. However, this is not a valid option for me as it is very expensive and you cannot easily stop the fight to recast LT from the stick. <br>
I will not add tons of monster information here, as this is easily available and writing this guide in html code bores me too much to just copy/paste further information, please use google ;)<br><br>
Please notice: Your Mercenarie will be useless against the Bosses as they auto-aggro him and kill him in most cases instantly. So we will go from the start to every boss monster itself until you hold the unid torch in your hand. <br>
=== '''Entering Tristram''' ===
You need the three organs and can open the portal in Harrogath (A5) with your cube (just cube any 3 organs in PD2). <br>
After entering the portal, you will be in Tristram in the upper middle of the map (the layout is identical to the "normal" tristram). '''Caution:''' The following does apply in 90% of the cases, but sometimes Ubers are spawned different.<br><br>
Now just walk up on the map. The space in the upper half should be completely free. In the upper right corner I always set my "safe spot". <br>
In the upper left corner I set my "battle space". Meaning, I pull the Ubers after each other (we are going to kill them one by one alone) in the corner and fight them there until they die.<br>
Ubers regularly spawn in the lower middle (so the opposite of our safe spot). Mephisto is very fast and stands a bit beside Dia and Baal. We should do him first as it is easier to pull him than the others. <br>
Baal is no real deal. You may check your phone our cook while you battle him alone if you just hold your attacks up. <br>
Dia is the hard one here, but more to him later.<br>
=== '''Uber Mephisto''' ===
Activate your salvation aura if necessary (remember, aura from mephi costs you 65% of each resistance), check your potions and let`s start!<br>
Start from the battlepoint - Walk on the left border of the map until you reach the first building. Enter tristram from here, walk to the middle of the town. <br>
If you go below now, be careful. Mephisto should rush you as soon as you see him on the map. Pull him right into your battle spot. Be careful, he spawns tons of bonemages who apply high damage to you. So you should have your resistances up and attack him fast to apply LT early. His poisondmg is also high, so have a few red pots in your belt to constantly battle the psndmg with healt pots (for times where LT runs out).<br><br>
As soon as he dies, clear the bones, check you belt and activate fanaticism aura, you should no longer need salvation as the aura from mephi is gone with him.<br>
=== '''Uber Diablo''' ===
I always do him second. It is easier to pull him than baal and both of them stick together very strong. That is the only reason why.<br>
Pull him the same way you did with Mephi and start fighting asap to apply LT. Be very careful here. He spawns tons of ghosts (who drain your mana), ghulmages and other demons. The mages and ghosts are especially critical as they are physical immune. So this might be the time to sometimes run into your safe spot, get your merc, pull some adds and clear them with him before you continue to fight Diablo. <br>
Here you might come to the point where your leech from life tap does not work. This is because your zeal hits multiple enemies, and most of them around you will be immune = 0 dmg = 0 leech. If this happens, try smite as last resort. It only hits Diablo and this for sure.<br>
As soon as he dies you may congratulate yourself. Clear the adds, the Ubertrist is done :D Because Baal, as said earlier, is no deal for you.<br>
=== '''Uber Baal''' ===
Nothing to be afraid of here. Run straigt to him, attack him, kill him. With my gear, you will hardly find a time to use even a normal health potion against him.<br><br>
As soon as he licks your boots, take that unid torch and your standard of heroes and go straigt to Deckard --> Good luck on your role mate!