Translations:Patch Notes/968/zh-cn: Difference between revisions

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* 新的升级过渡用符文之语(提升攻击速度) - '''[ Rampage]''' (Shael El Ith Shael) 长矛/长柄/法杖
* 游戏界面会在右上角显示地图等级
* 野性狂暴充能之后增加20%的近战溅射范围
* Feral Rage now adds +20% increased melee splash radius (+1 range) when charged up
* 武学技艺技能充能回更早重置,使得终结技能使用所有三个充能阶段效果
* Martial arts skill charges now reset before the 1st stage of the next cycle rather than after the 3rd stage of the current cycle (allows finishers to use charges from all 3 stages instead of just 2)
* One of the new maps (新的T2) by Alma 地图[ showcased] briefly
* 新的超级古代人难度可变(可以选择1、2或3个)
* New Uber Ancients with scalable difficulty (can choose to fight 1, 2 or all 3 ancients)
** 门票碎片在T1/T2/T3平均掉落,合成后成为门票
** Different tokens drop fairly frequently in T1/T2/T3 maps which need to be combined to access the encounter
** 奖励经验值和随机掉落(和巴尔类似),掉落数量和古代人数量相关(差不多相当于5/7/9次巴尔掉落)
** Rewards experience and random loot (similar to Baal) based on the number of ancients defeated (currently testing loot drops equivalent to 5/7/9 baal kills)
** 在天梯和非天梯都可用
** Will probably be available in non-ladder too (meaning no difference between ladder and non-ladder other than the reset)
* 寻找物品会从寻找药剂得到 +1%的每级加成
* 血之传送现在是一个24级技能,而且需要鲜血魔像作为前置技能
