Skill Changes: Difference between revisions

→‎Skills on Items: Kalan's Legacy gives Vigor
(remaining skills updated to s7)
(→‎Skills on Items: Kalan's Legacy gives Vigor)
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<noinclude>This page lists skill changes from the vanilla game. For a list of player-vs-player skill changes, see [[PvP Changes]]. Also see: [[All Skills]]</noinclude>
The Skill Overview section on this page may have outdated info (from s9 changes)
= Skills on Items =
Line 11 ⟶ 13:
| [[Might]] || [[Last Wish]] (17), [[Templar's Might]] (6-8) || added: Templar's Might || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 5 Mercenary]], removed from Act 2 Mercenary
| [[Concentration]] || [[Pride]] (1618-20), [[Mist]] (8-12), [[Mage Slayer]] (3-6) || new: Mist, Mage Slayer ||
| [[Fanaticism]] || [[Beast]] (8-10), [[Faith]] (12-15) || ||
Line 21 ⟶ 23:
| [[Holy Shock]] || [[Dream (Shield)|Dream]] (13), [[Zerae's Resolve]] (25-30) || new: Zerae's Resolve || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 3 Mercenary]]
| [[Sanctuary (Skill)|Sanctuary]] || [[Azurewrath]] (8-10-12), [[Heavenly Garb]] (1), [[Asylum]] (17-20) || added: Heavenly Garb, Asylum<br>removed: Lawbringer || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 4 Mercenary]]
| [[Conviction]] || [[Infinity]] (12) || ||
Line 31 ⟶ 33:
| [[Defiance]] || [[Exile]] (13-16) || || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 2 Mercenary]]
| [[Vigor]] || [[Harmony]] (10), [[Kalan's Legacy]] (4-6) || added: Kalan's Legacy || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 1 Mercenary]]
| [[Meditation]] || [[Insight]] (12-17) || || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 1 Mercenary]]
| [[Redemption]] || [[Phoenix (Shield)|Phoenix]] (10-1512) || ||
| [[Prayer]] || || || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 3 Mercenary]], removed from Act 2 Mercenary
| [[Cleansing]] || [[Plague]] (1315-17) || new || [[Mercenaries#Auras|Act 3 Mercenary]]
| [[Salvation]] || [[Zenith]] (8-12) || new ||
Line 56 ⟶ 58:
! <span style="color:#F9C666;">Skill</span> !! <span style="color:#F9C666;">Item Source</span> !! <span style="color:#F9C666;">Item Changes</span>
| [[Poison Strike]] || [[Venom (Weapon)|Venom]], [[Infernal SpikeSpire]] || added (both items)
| [[Critical Strike]] || [[Insight]], [[Peace]], [[The Gladiator's Bane]] || added: The Gladiator's Bane
Line 87 ⟶ 89:
| [[Raven]] || [[Eaglehorn]] || added
| [[Arctic Blast]] || || removed from [[Frostwind]] (changed to class-only|| skill)
| [[Werebear]] || [[Beast]] ||
Line 98 ⟶ 102:
| [[Werewolf]] || [[Wolfhowl]] ||
| [[Feral Rage]] || || removed from [[Wolfhowl]] ||
| [[Fury (Skill)|Fury]] || [[Wolfhowl]] || added
| [[Summon Dire Wolf]] || [[Wolfhowl]] || replaced charges
Line 107 ⟶ 109:
| [[Iron Golem]] || [[Metalgrid]] || replaced charges
| [[Clay Golem]] || [[Stone]] (36 regenerating charges) || charges now regenerate
| Blink || [[Enigma]] (5 regenerating charges), [[Naj's Puzzler]] (3 regenerating charges) || replaced [[Teleport]], replaced Teleport charges
Line 145 ⟶ 149:
| [[Fire Mastery]] || || removed from [[Elite#Set_Bonuses_for_Trang-Oul's_Avatar|Trang-Oul's Avatar]]
| [[Arctic Blast]] || || removed from [[Frostwind]] (changed to class-only skill)
| [[Inferno]] || || removed from [[Flamebellow]]
Line 153 ⟶ 155:
Oskills are capped at +3 when used by their native class - otherwise they grant the full amount.
Some items grant other skills when equipped:
* [[Blackoak Shield]] grants level 11 [[Shiver Armor]]
* [[Tempest]] grants level 16 [[Energy Shield]]
* [[Uldyssian's Awakening]] grants level [28-30] [[Energy Shield]]
* [[Hustle]] grants level 6 [[Burst of Speed]]
* [[Innocence]] grants level [8-12] [[Blade Shield]]
Note that many items have also gained new or improved chance-to-cast effects. For example:
Line 172 ⟶ 183:
* All characters gain the "'''Move Only'''" skill, which simply makes them walk/run toward a location without attacking
* Improved summon AI
* Reduced delay between summoning minions and those minions performing actions
* Summons and sentries (traps, hydras) now benefit from +% to Elemental Skill Damage
* Summons (except Fire Golem) now benefit from -% to Enemy Elemental Resistance at 1/2 effectiveness
* Abilities that reduce monster resistances have been rebalanced and now operate at 1/2 effectiveness when above 99% or below 0% (used to be 1/5 when above 99%)
* Spells and abilities no longer share cooldowns globally
* In some cases, skills'Skill synergies and their positions within the skill tree have been adjusted to streamline skillpoint allocation (you won't need to respec to play certain builds)
* Most skill buffs now last a minimum of 5 minutes
* Summoned minions which wear equipment (Valkyrie, Shadow Warrior, Shadow Master) can now be inspected - use the inspect hotkey while hovering over them with the Unsummon skill
Line 197 ⟶ 207:
* 53 attackshits per attack instead of 10 (helps avoid animation lock)
* now grants +20% melee splash radius on stage 2 and +40% on stage 3
|'''[[Power Strike]]'''
Line 305 ⟶ 316:
* projectile speed/range and hitbox size greatly increased
* no longer causes "next hit delay" (faster breakpoints available)
* capped at 5 hits per attack instead of 10 (helps avoid animation lock)
* now gains bonus attack rating
|'''[[Cold Arrow]]'''
* firesshoots 2 arrows + 1 per 4 levels (was just 1)
* converts 50% physical damage to cold damage (was 3% + 2% per level)
Line 327 ⟶ 338:
|'''[[Fire Arrow]]'''
* Firesshoots 2 arrows + 1 per 3 levels (was just 1)
* Convertsconverts 50% physical damage to fire damage (was 3% + 2% per level)
|'''[[Exploding Arrow]]'''
Line 369 ⟶ 380:
|'''[[Dragon Talon]]'''
* capped at 3 hits per attack (helps avoid animation lock)
* now caps at 3 kicks
|'''[[Dragon Claw]]'''
* cannot be interrupted
|'''[[Dragon Tail]]'''
* attack speed reductionpenalty reduced from -40 to -20 (improves [[breakpoints]])
* no longer causes knockback
Line 416 ⟶ 427:
* now works while moving
* has a 4 frame cooldown after mitigating an attack
* now also gives +1% FBR per hard level
* affected by "Increased Block Chance" at a 1:5 ratio
|'''[[Psychic Hammer]]'''
Line 444 ⟶ 456:
|'''[[Venom (Skill)|Venom]]'''
* poison damage now lasts 1.6 secondssecond instead of 0.4 seconds
* no longer benefits from +% poison damage twice
Line 458 ⟶ 470:
=== [[Traps]] ===
[[Chain Lightning Sentry]] is new
Sentry traps are now displayed in the upper left similar to minions
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Line 478 ⟶ 492:
* now always paths to your mouse location and no longer has its pathing blocked by monsters
* increased projectile movement speed and hit rate (every 5 frames instead of every 15)
* now releases an aoe burst when changing directions
* duration no longer scales with levels
* no longer counts toward trap count
* now benefits from pierceresistance penetration at half efficiency similar to elemental traps
|'''[[Blade Fury]]'''
* now pierces enemies and splits into multiple projectiles when colliding with a wall
* added pierce
* now splits into multiple projectiles when colliding with a wall
* attack trigger time is now affected by attack speed
* penalty for 2-handed weapons removed
* now adds bonus attack rating of 60% + 12% per level
|'''[[Blade Shield]]'''
* uses "on striking" instead of "on attack" and can apply: Chance to Cast on Striking, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Life/Mana after each Kill
* can no longer miss
* no longer uses durability
* range has been doubled
* attacks faster with hard levels
* delay between attacks has been reduced
* range increased
* now has attack rating
* now has the ranged leech penalty (50% reduced leech)
Line 515 ⟶ 531:
* can now only explode corpses instead of shooting lightning most of the time
* explosion damage is 3-5% of corpse's life plus some additional flat physical and fire damage
* radius is always 10 yards (was 3.33 + 0.6667 per level)
* now gains +1 shot per 3 hard levels instead of via synergy
Line 541 ⟶ 557:
|'''[[Battle Cry]]'''
* Reducesreduces enemy physical resistance instead of damage (can break immunities)
* duration is now 8 seconds
|'''[[War Cry]]'''
* Nownow has scaling AOE
* Stunstun removed, but procs FHR
|'''[[Find Potion]]'''
Line 559 ⟶ 575:
|'''[[Grim Ward]]'''
* reworked to grant nearby allies bonus damage and attack rating instead of making enemies flee
* No longer makes enemies flee
* Grants party members flat attack rating (130 + 20 per level) and bonus damage (40% + 8% per level)
* can now be cast at range instead of just melee, and can be used on skeleton corpses
* radius improved dramatically
Line 589 ⟶ 603:
|'''[[General Mastery]]'''
* Replacedreplaced Sword Mastery, Axe Mastery, & Mace Mastery
|'''[[Polearm and Spear Mastery]]'''
* Replacedreplaced Polearm Mastery & Spear Mastery
|'''[[Throwing Mastery]]'''
* Addsadds pierce
|'''[[Combat Reflexes]]'''
* Renamedrenamed from Increased Stamina
* now also grants 20 max life per hard level
* now also grants FHR with hard levels
|'''[[Iron Skin]]'''
* Nownow also adds PDR% with hard levels
|'''[[Increased Speed]]'''
Line 635 ⟶ 649:
* Durationduration increased to 15 seconds (was 6)
* now gains increased splash radius
|'''[[Double Throw]]'''
* Nownow bounces up to 57 times between targets instead of benefiting from pierce
* Not affected by pierce
Line 649 ⟶ 662:
* Convertsconverts 30-70% of physical damage to magic damage (+2% per hard level) instead of only 0-20% via synergy
* now requires two weapons
* Nownow deals physical damage instead of magic damage, is uninterruptible, and piercespenetrates physical resistance
* Reducesreduces player's physical resistance instead of defense, duration is now always 0.5 seconds
* leap distance and speed increased
* knockback radius is now only increased with hard levels up to 10 yards (was 2.6667 + 0.6667 per level)
|'''[[Leap Attack]]'''
* leap speed increased
* Nownow deals damage in an area instead of attacking a single target
* does not use duability or attack rating
Line 730 ⟶ 743:
* Newnew skill that teleports the player and chills enemies, cooldown can go down to 0.5 seconds
Line 744 ⟶ 757:
* practically unlimited duration (was 40 seconds + 20 seconds per Lycanthropy level)
* now grants 20% increased splash radius and chance for uninterruptible attacks instead of life
Line 773 ⟶ 786:
* Speedspeed and range of spreading poison increased
|'''[[Fury (Skill)|Fury]]'''
* now3 hits 3 times per attack instead of up5 to(helps 5avoid animation lock)
* Nownow gains +20% melee splash radius on the second attack and +40% on the third
Line 849 ⟶ 862:
|'''[[Raise Skeleton Warrior]]'''
* Skeletons now dealdeals splash damage on melee attacks
* total skeleton warriors capped at 8
|'''[[Raise Skeletal Mage]]'''
* Skeletalprojectiles Mages' elemental attacksnow pierce enemies and have a larger hitbox
* total skeletal mages capped at 8
|'''[[Raise Skeleton Archer]]'''
* Newnew skill which summons skeleton archers that deal physical damage
|'''[[Golem Mastery]]'''
* Cancan summon an additional golem for every 5 hard levels
|'''[[Clay Golem]]'''
* Nownow deals splash damage
|'''[[Blood Golem]]'''
Line 875 ⟶ 889:
|'''[[Iron Golem]]'''
* Nownow deals splash damage if created with a weapon
|'''[[Fire Golem]]'''
Line 884 ⟶ 898:
* revives now deal melee splash damage and also gainhave bonus elemental damage and additional skill levels
* Totaltotal of 8 revives at 20 hard levels (was 1 revive per level)
* duration now scales per level
* revives now deal melee splash damage
* revives also gain elemental damage and additional skill levels
|'''[[Blood Warp]]'''
* Newnew skill that teleports and costs life instead of mana, with the lost health recovering over 5 seconds (casting it again will replace the previous life recovery effect)
Line 911 ⟶ 924:
|'''[[Bone Spirit]]'''
* Fasterfaster missile speed
|'''[[Bone Armor]]'''
Line 933 ⟶ 946:
* renamed from Poison Dagger, can now also be used with scythes
* Nownow piercespenetrates enemy poison resistances by -1% per level, up to -40%
* Nownow releases a poison cloud on hit which carries poison damage from gear/charms
Line 1,001 ⟶ 1,014:
|'''[[Curse Mastery]]'''
* Newnew skill that improves effect of all curses and allows an additional curse to be applied at levels 10 and 20
|'''[[Dark Pact]]'''
* Newnew skill that damages cursed enemies in an area based on the number of curses applied to them - one of the curses will be consumed if multiple are present
Line 1,031 ⟶ 1,044:
|'''[[Resist Fire]]'''
* Nownow also grants a bonus for fire damage
* Passivepassive maximum fire resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
|'''[[Resist Cold]]'''
* Nownow also grants a bonus for cold damage
* Passivepassive maximum cold resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
|'''[[Resist Lightning]]'''
* Nownow also grants a bonus for lightning damage
* Passivepassive maximum lightning resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
Line 1,058 ⟶ 1,071:
* Nownow also grants a bonus to elemental damage
Line 1,066 ⟶ 1,079:
* allies receievereceive 1/2 of the bonus
* radius increased
|'''[[Holy Fire]]'''
* now includes bonus attack rating
* Radiusradius now caps at 8 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
|'''[[Holy Freeze]]'''
* now includes bonus attack rating
* Radiusradius is now always 8 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
|'''[[Holy Shock]]'''
* now includes bonus attack rating
* Radiusradius is now always 9.3 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
|'''[[Blessed Aim]]'''
Line 1,103 ⟶ 1,119:
* reworked to apply to all enemies instead of just undead, add magic damage to attacks, and reduce enemy magic resistance by a relatively small amount (can break immunes)
* no longer applies knockback to undead or negates physical resistance of undead bosses (prime evils, ubers, map bosses)
* now includes bonus attack rating
* Radiusradius is now always 10 yards (was 3.33 + 0.67 per level)
Line 1,112 ⟶ 1,129:
=== [[Combat Skills (Paladin)|Combat Skills]] ===
[[Holy Nova]], [[Holy Light]], [[Joust]], and [[JoustHoly Sword]] are new
Conversion has been removed
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Line 1,118 ⟶ 1,137:
* Nownow causes the slain monster to explode, dealing overkill damage plus 5% of corpse life as half physical and half magic damage
* Damagedamage to self decreases by 1% per level to a minimum of 3%, and is now affected by PDR
* can gain significantly more damage from the Holy Shield pseudo-synergy since it now has damage synergies of its own
* no longer applies knockback (in PvE)
* indirectly affected by [[Grief]] having "Adds X-Y damage" instead of "+X damage" like [[The Redeemer]] or [[Astreon's Iron Ward]]
* indirectly affected by Crushing Blow nohaving longergreater workingdiminishing returns against bosses, uniques, or champions that are [[Game_Mechanics#Crushing_Blow|below 65% life]]
|'''[[Holy Bolt]]'''
Line 1,134 ⟶ 1,154:
* Number of3 hits decreasedper toattack 3instead fromof 5, avoids(helps avoid animation lock)
* Nownow gains +20% melee splash radius on the second attack and +40% on the third
* Nownow gains up to +60% increased melee splash radius based on the distance traveled
* Willnow always chargeworks in melee range instead of doing a normal attack
Line 1,150 ⟶ 1,170:
* hammers now travel faster and have larger hitboxes
|'''[[ConversionHoly Sword]]'''
* new skill that grants block chance and bonus damage against demons/undead for two-handed swords
|'''[[Holy Shield]]'''
Line 1,232 ⟶ 1,252:
|'''[[Ice Barrage]]'''
* new skill that shoots up to 5 ice lances which have AOE impact that chillschill (lances don't pierce, but they do shotgun)
* fires additional missiles as you level (max 5)
* Does not pierce, but does shotgun
Line 1,335 ⟶ 1,353:
|'''[[Fire Mastery]]'''
* now also adds fire pierceresistance penetration