Translations:Patch Notes/967/zh-cn

Revision as of 03:53, 24 May 2022 by Troytt (talk | contribs)

Spoilers from Dev Stream #4 (2022-05-14)

  • 传送恢复到原有的快速施法帧(fcr)和断点, 伤害惩罚从50%提升到65%
  • 速度爆发从20%而不是10%开始,并且在16级以上时升级收益降低 (即使在高等级时收益也增加)
  • 闪避的高跑奖励从15%开始并且每一级提升2%(前值为10%和1%每级),上限为+65%
  • 黑暗契约改动
    • 黑暗契约一次仅移除一个诅咒并且不再移除第一个被释放的诅咒
    • 黑暗契约不再有三个诅咒的上限 (i.e. when using Darkforce Spawn)
    • 黑暗契约获得每个诅咒+10%伤害的加成
    • 黑暗契约的初始爆炸范围为3码(一个诅咒),每多一个诅咒加1码 (前值为固定5码)
  • 吸引和迷乱不会覆盖其他诅咒
  • 嘲讽诅咒持续时间+0.25秒每级
  • 暗黑2重制版新符文之语改动 (Unbending Will, Wisdom, Obsession, Flickering Flame, Mist)
  • 过滤器的过滤等级可以在游戏内调整 (strictness level condition = FILTLVL, strictness level keyword that determines when notifications apply = %TIER-X% where X is 0-5)
  • Combat Reflexes life bonus now scales at +15 per soft level instead of +20 per base level
  • Increased Speed now also gives +2% IAS per base level
  • Blade Sentinel pathing fixed (goes through enemies & around corners/objects) and has less delay between damage ticks
  • Psychic Hammer no longer caps at hitting 2 extra enemies (hits 1 extra enemy per 10 soft levels)