Translations:Patch Notes/963/zh-cn: Difference between revisions

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* 黑毛和拉斯玛的召唤材料掉落率大幅提升
* 减少无形和有形武器的差距 - 普通/扩展/精英武器的基础伤害提升 [ +0%/+15%/+25%], 无形武器额外提升+25%基础伤害 (前值+50%)
* 减少物理抗性属性仅作用于当前武器 (双持的时候不会影响另外一个武器)
* -% phys res will be applied per weapon (won't stack when dual-wielding)
* "新的高端玩法"可以"自行调节难度" (三个新的天梯专属挑战内容)
* 添加赌博刷新按钮
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** '''Flickering Flame''' (3-空头盔)
** '''Mist''' (5-孔弓/十字弓)
* 5 new个新的暗金装备 [ unique items] (planning to have roughly 计划新增10 total)
** '''Occultist秘术师''' (crusader gauntlets十字军手套) <span class="omod">(base code = utg)</span>
** '''Odium仇恨''' (colossus sword巨神之剑) <span class="omod">(base code = 7fb)</span>
** '''Zerae's Resolve泽雷的决断''' (matriarchal pike女族长长矛) <span class="omod">(base code = ame)</span>
** '''Merman's Sprocket人鱼之链''' (wyrmhide boots飞龙靴) <span class="omod">(base code = ulb)</span>
** '''Martyrdom殉道''' (overseer skull督军之骨) <span class="omod">(base code = ned)</span>
* considering doing a mini race league before S5, since S5 won't be ~4 months after the start of S4 (S5 is planned for ~2 months after D2R's upcoming ladder)
* cosmetic rewards will be account-based and togglable with a chat command instead of coming from charms
