Maps: Difference between revisions

29 bytes added ,  10 days ago
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 89:
* Average rare map values
** T1: +9071% density, +1314% experience, +7950% extra magic/gold
** T2: +9078% density, +1516% experience, +8975% extra magic/gold
** T3: +9485% density, +1718% experience, +109100% extra magic/gold
* Maximum values of each type without modifications (a single map cannot get more than one of these at a time)
** T1: +130% density, +38% experience, +170% extra magic/gold
Line 327:
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Bastion_KeepMap_Icon_Fall_of_Caldeum.png| ]] BastionFall Keepof Caldeum ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 333:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| DemonFlying SpriteScimitar || 25 || 25 || 8050 || 25<span class=emphasis>100</span> || 33 || 75 || Demon || 1000
| Demon SteedHeirophant || 5010 || 50 || 25 || 33 || 5095 || 25 || || 100
| DesertHell WingSwarm || <span class=emphasis>110</span>50 || 25 || 75 || 70 || 7525 || 2580 || || 750
| DevilkinHuntress || 15 || 25 || 75 || 75 || 4065 || 50 || Demon || 75100
| Devilkin ShamanSlinger || 1510 || 5025 || 75 || <span class=emphasis>135</span> || 65 || 75 || Demon || 66100
| Giant LampreyZombie || 50 || 25 || 3395 || 25 || 75 || 8545 || Undead || 50
| Giant Lamprey Egg || || || || || || || || 33
| Giant Lamprey Young || || || || || || 80 || || 50
| Hell Temptress || || || 50 || 50 || 50 || 75 || Demon || 75
| Moon Clan || 50 || || 75 || || 85 || 45 || Demon || 80
| SandWaheed Raiderthe Traitor || 2550 || 2550 || 5075 || 5075 || 75 || 3375 || || 6620
| Johnathan<br>the Damned || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 0
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
Line 403 ⟶ 393:
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Reziarfg's_LairMap_Icon_Royal_Crypts.png| ]] LostRoyal TempleCrypts ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 409 ⟶ 399:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| Blood WingAfflicted || || 25 || || 3375 || 65 || 45 || Demon || 5075
| EnslavedBone Archer || 2535 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 5030 || 1520 || 25 || 65<span class=emphasis>105</span> || Undead || 750
| GloamBone Warrior || 35 || 25 || 30 || 80 || 5065 || 7565 || Undead || 0
| GloombatClaw Viper || 1080 || || 3345 || 5025 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 40 || || 7550
| GorebellyDune Beast || 55 || || 5060 || <span class=emphasis>115</span>25 || 6520 || 3025 || Demon || 100
| PoisonFlying SpinnerScimitar || 25 || 50 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>120100</span> || || || 75 || || 500
| UnravelerGloombat || 3350 || 5025 || 2075 || 2050 || 50 || 80 || Undead || 3375
| Khalim's<br>Corrupted BodyScarab || 50 || 50 || 75 || 7580 || 7550 || 75 || Demon || 2050
| King Leoric || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
| Decaying Guard || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Decaying Guards are minions of King Leoric
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_PhlegethonMap_Icon_Sewers_of_Harrogath.png| ]] PhlegethonSewers of Harrogath ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 442 ⟶ 440:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| CouncilBlood MemberWing || 30 || 25 || 3350 || 8033 || 33 || 33 || Demon || 6650
| Demon ImpEnslaved || 25 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>100</span>50 || 2515 || 3325 || 15 || Demon || 10075
| FallenFetish || 1525 || 25 || 25<span class=emphasis>125</span> || || 40 || 5080 || Demon || 75100
| Fallen ShamanFlayer || 15 || 25 || 50 || 9075 || 050 || 5045 || Demon || 66100
| FetishGhoul Lord || 2530 || 25 || 5033 || 5025 || 5075 || 50 || DemonUndead || 10075
| HellGrotesque CatWyrm || 1525 || 2550 || || 50<span class=emphasis>135</span> || 80 || 2550 || Demon || 10050
| Hell SlingerMarauder || 1025 || 25 || 2550 || 5080 || 050 || 2545 || || 10066
| HellSand SpawnMaggot || 3366 || || 5033 || 25 || 5085 || 7590 || Demon || 7550
| MoonSand LordMaggot Egg || 50 || 50 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 0 || || 7533
| SiegeSand BeastMaggot Young || 7520 || 20 || <span class=emphasis>140</span>20 || 3320 || 5020 || 80 || || 10050
| UnholyThe CorpseMad Philosopher || 5020 || 5020 || 050 || 2550 || 050 || <span class=emphasis>120</span>33 || UndeadDemon || 6620
| Lieutenant of Sin || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Demon || 20
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Torajan_JungleMap_Icon_Shadows_of_Westmarch.png| ]] TorajanShadows Jungleof Westmarch ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 483 ⟶ 479:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| CouncilFire MemberBoar || 50 || || 3365 || 5025 || 33 || 3365 || Demon || 6675
| CrusherMoon Clan || 50<span class=emphasis>100</span> || 2545 || 50 || 45 || <span class=emphasis>140</span>85 || 5025 || Demon || 10080
| DeathOver BeatleSeer || 5020 || 25 || || <span class=emphasis>105110</span> || 20 || 40 || 40 || Demon || 50100
| DeathSiege BrawlerBeast || 3350 || 5020 || 5025 || 5045 || 50<span class=emphasis>150</span> || 5040 || || 75100
| Dune BeastSlinger || 3310 || || 25 || 7525 || 5075 || 25 || || 100
| Foul CrowSuccubus || || || 2550 || 50 || 75 || 7065 || Demon || 10075
| Quill RatZombie || 50 || 50 || || 65 || 50 || 4585 || Undead || 10050
| TreeUrzael<br>Harbinger Lurkerof Death || 20 || 2520 || 8050 || 50 || 50 || 8550 || || 7520
| The Great Worm || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 20
| Blood Maggot Egg || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || || || 33
| Blood Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 50
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Blood Maggot Young monsters are minions of The Great Worm
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ruined_CisternMap_Icon_Torajan_Jungle.png| ]] RuinedTorajan CisternJungle ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 525 ⟶ 513:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| BogCouncil CreatureMember || 1550 || || 6533 || 50 || 5533 || 5033 || Demon || 7566
| Dried CorpseCrusher || 50 || 25 || || 50 || 65 || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || Undead50 || || 33100
| GorebellyDeath Beatle || 50 || 25 || 30 || 50<span class=emphasis>105</span> || 60 || || Demon || 10050
| ReturnedDeath MageBrawler || 33 || 50 || 4050 || 7550 || 50 || 7550 || Undead || 075
| SalamanderDune Beast || 33 || || 50 || 75 || <span class=emphasis>115</span>50 || 25 || || 50100
| StranglerFoul Crow || 60 || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 25 || 75 || || 4570 || Undead || 33100
| VileQuill ArcherRat || 50 || || 75 || 25 || 2550 || 2545 || Demon || 100
| VileTree HunterLurker || 20 || 2025 || 4580 || 3350 || || 85 || Demon || 10075
| AncientThe CisternGreat Hydra (fire)Worm || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 20
| Blood Maggot Egg || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || || || 33
| Ancient Cistern Hydra (poison) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 75
| Blood Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 50
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Blood Maggot Young monsters are minions of The Great Worm
* The fire Hydra head is considered the boss and drops loot accordingly - the poison Hydra heads are considered its minions
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
Line 602 ⟶ 591:
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Fall_of_CaldeumMap_Icon_Bastion_Keep.png| ]] FallBastion of CaldeumKeep ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 608 ⟶ 597:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| FlyingDemon ScimitarSprite || 25 || 25 || 5080 || <span class=emphasis>100</span>25 || 33 || 75 || Demon || 0100
| HeirophantDemon Steed || 1050 || 50 || 25 || 33 || 9550 || 25 || || 100
| HellDesert SwarmWing || 50<span class=emphasis>110</span> || 25 || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 70 || 2575 || 8025 || || 075
| HuntressDevilkin || 15 || 25 || 75 || 75 || 6540 || 50 || Demon || 10075
| SlingerDevilkin Shaman || 1015 || 2550 || 75 || <span class=emphasis>135</span> || 65 || 75 || Demon || 10066
| ZombieGiant Lamprey || 50 || 25 || 9533 || 25 || 75 || 4585 || Undead || 50
| WaheedGiant theLamprey TraitorEgg || 50 || 50 || 75 || 75 || 75 || 75 || || 2033
| Giant Lamprey Young || || || || || || 80 || || 50
| Hell Temptress || || || 50 || 50 || 50 || 75 || Demon || 75
| Moon Clan || 50 || || 75 || || 85 || 45 || Demon || 80
| Sand Raider || 25 || 25 || 50 || 50 || || 33 || || 66
| Johnathan<br>the Damned || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 0
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Royal_CryptsMap_Icon_Reziarfg's_Lair.png| ]] RoyalLost CryptsTemple ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 639 ⟶ 638:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| AfflictedBlood Wing || || 25 || || 7533 || 65 || 45 || Demon || 7550
| Bone ArcherEnslaved || 3525 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 3050 || 2015 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>105</span>65 || Undead || 075
| Bone WarriorGloam || 35 || 25 || 30 || 80 || 6550 || 6575 || Undead || 0
| Claw ViperGloombat || 8010 || || 4533 || 2550 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 40 || || 5075
| Dune BeastGorebelly || 55 || || 6050 || 25<span class=emphasis>115</span> || 2065 || 2530 || Demon || 100
| FlyingPoison Scimitar || 25Spinner || 50 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100120</span> || || || 75 || || 050
| GloombatUnraveler || 5033 || 2550 || 7520 || 5020 || 50 || 80 || Undead || 7533
| ScarabKhalim's<br>Corrupted Body || 50 || 50 || 75 || 8075 || 5075 || 75 || Demon || 5020
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_River_of_Blood.png| ]] River of Blood ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| King LeoricCorpulent || 2015 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 5075 || UndeadDemon || 2075
| DecayingCouncil GuardMember || 2030 || 20 || 5033 || 5080 || 5033 || 5033 || UndeadDemon || 2066
| Death Mauler || 33 || || 50 || 85 || 50 || || || 75
| Doom Knight || 33 || || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 20 || 20 || 50 || Undead || 33
| Flesh Beast || 25 || || || || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || || Demon || 50
| Flesh Spawner || 66 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || || || 80 || || Demon || 50
| Minion of Destruction || 50 || || 90 || 33 || 50 || 95 || Demon || 50
| Oblivion Knight || 33 || 25 || 60 || 60 || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || 75 || Undead || 33
| Skeleton Archer || 40 || 50 || 33 || 40 || 33 || 80 || Undead || 0
| Zealot || 10 || || 25 || 80 || 33 || 20 || || 100
| Avunaos the Rotten || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
| Belial Lord of Lies || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Demon || 20
| Blood Golem || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* DecayingBlood GuardsGolems are minions of King LeoricAvunaos
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
Line 730 ⟶ 769:
==== [[File:Map_Icon_SanatoriumMap_Icon_Tomb_of_Zoltun_Kulle.png| ]] SanatoriumTomb of Zoltun Kulle ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 736 ⟶ 775:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| Blood LordArach || 50 || 33 || <span class=emphasis>130</span>85 || 50 || 33 || 50 || || 7550
| DeathDark MaulerFamiliar || 3315 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 65 || || || 75
| GhoulDune LordBeast || 30 || || 3325 || 2550 || <span class=emphasis>130150</span> || 7525 || Undead || 75100
| GloamMinion of Destruction || 60 || 35 || 50 || 75<span class=emphasis>100</span> || 25 || 8575 || UndeadDemon || 050
| VilePain ArcherWorm || 15 || 20 || 65 || || 2575 || 25<span class=emphasis>110</span> || Demon || 10075
| VileRazor HunterSpine || 2025 || 20 || 3075 || 45 || 6550 || 25 || Demon || 100
| VileReturned LancerMage || 4525 || 1550 || 4525 || 35<span class=emphasis>120</span> || 25 || 2575 || DemonUndead || 1000
| The GuardianScarab || 20<span class=emphasis>105</span> || 2025 || 50 || 5075 || 50 || 5025 || Undead || 2050
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Shadows_of_Westmarch.png| ]] Shadows of Westmarch ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| FireToadflax Boarthe Tainted || 20 || 20 || 6550 || 2550 || 50 || 6550 || || 7520
| Moon Clan || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 45 || 50 || 45 || 85 || 25 || Demon || 80
| Over Seer || 20 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 20 || 40 || 40 || Demon || 100
| Siege Beast || 50 || 20 || 25 || 45 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 40 || || 100
| Slinger || 10 || || 25 || 25 || 75 || || || 100
| Succubus || || || 50 || 50 || 75 || 65 || Demon || 75
| Zombie || 50 || 50 || || 65 || || 85 || Undead || 50
| Urzael<br>Harbinger of Death || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 20
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
Line 964 ⟶ 973:
==== [[File:Map_Icon_River_of_BloodMap_Icon_Phlegethon.png| ]] River of BloodPhlegethon ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| Corpulent || 15 || 20 || || || || 75 || Demon || 75
| Council Member || 30 || || 33 || 80 || 33 || 33 || Demon || 66
| DeathDemon MaulerImp || 33 || 25 || 50<span class=emphasis>100</span> || 8525 || 5033 || || Demon || 75100
| Doom KnightFallen || 3315 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>125</span>25 || 20 || 2040 || 50 || UndeadDemon || 3375
| FleshFallen BeastShaman || 2515 || 25 || 50 || 90 || <span class=emphasis>140</span>0 || 50 || Demon || 5066
| Flesh SpawnerFetish || 6625 || <span class=emphasis>100</span>25 || 50 || 50 || 8050 || 50 || Demon || 50100
| MinionHell of DestructionCat || 5015 || 25 || 90 || 3350 || 5080 || 9525 || Demon || 50100
| OblivionHell KnightSlinger || 3310 || 25 || 6025 || 6050 || <span class=emphasis>180</span>0 || 7525 || Undead || 33100
| SkeletonHell ArcherSpawn || 4033 || 50 || 3350 || 4025 || 3350 || 8075 || UndeadDemon || 075
| ZealotMoon Lord || 1050 || 50 || 25 || 8050 || 3350 || 200 || || 10075
| AvunaosSiege the RottenBeast || 2075 || 20 || 50<span class=emphasis>140</span> || 5033 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20100
| BelialUnholy Lord of LiesCorpse || 2050 || 2050 || 500 || 5025 || 500 || 50<span class=emphasis>120</span> || DemonUndead || 2066
| BloodLieutenant Golemof Sin || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || UndeadDemon || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Blood Golems are minions of Avunaos
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Sewers_of_HarrogathMap_Icon_Ruined_Cistern.png| ]] SewersRuined of HarrogathCistern ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 1,018 ⟶ 1,020:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| BloodBog WingCreature || 15 || 25 || 5065 || 33 || 55 || 50 || || 5075
| EnslavedDried Corpse || 2550 || || 50 || 1550 || 2565 || 15<span class=emphasis>140</span> || Undead || 7533
| FetishGorebelly || 25 || || <span class=emphasis>125</span>30 || 50 || 60 || 80 || Demon || 100
| FlayerReturned Mage || 33 || 25 || 40 || 75 || 50 || 4575 || DemonUndead || 1000
| Ghoul LordSalamander || 30 || 25 || 3350 || 25 || 75<span class=emphasis>115</span> || 50 || Undead || 7550
| Grotesque Wyrm || 25 || 50Strangler || 60 || <span class=emphasis>135125</span> || 25 || 75 || || 5045 || DemonUndead || 5033
| MarauderVile Archer || 25 || || 5075 || 8025 || 5025 || 4525 || Demon || 66100
| SandVile MaggotHunter || 6620 || 20 || 3345 || 33 || 85 || 90 || Demon || 50100
| SandAncient MaggotCistern EggHydra (fire) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 3320
| SandAncient MaggotCistern YoungHydra (poison) || 20 || 20 || 2050 || 2050 || 2050 || 8050 || || 5075
| The Mad Philosopher || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 33 || Demon || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* The fire Hydra head is considered the boss and drops loot accordingly - the poison Hydra heads are considered its minions
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Throne_of_InsanityMap_Icon_Sanatorium.png| ]]Throne of InsanitySanatorium ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 1,057 ⟶ 1,060:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| BalrogBlood Lord || 50 || 2033 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 2550 || 4533 || 7550 || Demon || 6675
| DemonDeath RascalMauler || 33 || 75 || 50 || 2550 || 65 || 50 || Demon || 10075
| DoomGhoul CasterLord || 5030 || 25 || 2533 || 6525 || 90<span class=emphasis>130</span> || 75 || Undead || 3375
| Flesh ArcherGloam || 1560 || 35 || || 4575 || 50 || 2585 || DemonUndead || 1000
| FleshVile HunterArcher || 4015 || 20 || 65 || 50 || 6525 || 2025 || Demon || 100
| FleshVile LancerHunter || 4520 || 20 || 30 || 45 || 5065 || 25 || Demon || 100
| HellVile SpawnLancer || 3345 || 15 || <span class=emphasis>115</span>45 || 1535 || 3325 || 1525 || Demon || 75100
| HellThe WhipGuardian || 4020 || 20 || 50 || 8550 || 50 || 50 || DemonUndead || 10020
| Swamp Dweller || 15 || || 75 || || 25 || <span class=emphasis>115</span> || || 75
| Indio the Insane || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Tomb_of_Zoltun_KulleMap_Icon_Throne_of_Insanity.png| ]] TombThrone of Zoltun KulleInsanity ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
Line 1,094 ⟶ 1,093:
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
| ArachBalrog || 50 || 20 || 85<span class=emphasis>130</span> || 25 || 45 || 5075 || Demon || 5066
| DarkDemon FamiliarRascal || 15 || 2575 || 50 || 5025 || || 50 || Demon || 75100
| DuneDoom BeastCaster || 50 || 25 || 25 || 5065 || <span class=emphasis>150</span>90 || 25 || Undead || 10033
| MinionFlesh of DestructionArcher || 15 || || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span>45 || 2550 || 7525 || Demon || 50100
| PainFlesh WormHunter || 40 || 20 || || 50 || 7565 || <span class=emphasis>110</span>20 || Demon || 75100
| RazorFlesh SpineLancer || 2545 || || 75 || 45 || 50 || 25 || Demon || 100
| ReturnedHell MageSpawn || 2533 || 50 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>120115</span> || 15 || 7533 || Undead15 || 0Demon || 75
| ScarabHell Whip || <span class=emphasis>105</span>40 || 25 || 50 || 7585 || 50 || 25 || Demon || 50100
| ToadflaxSwamp the TaintedDweller || 2015 || 20 || 5075 || 50 || 5025 || 50<span class=emphasis>115</span> || || 2075
| Indio the Insane || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || Undead || 20
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
