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== '''Skills''' ==
That is the easiest part of all<br>
All necessary skills to reach the named below = 1 Point<br><br>
Sacrifice = Max, bonus dmg for zeal<br>
Zeal = Max, main skill<br>
Holy Shield = Should be lvl 16 at the end, so just look how much you need taking into account your +skills from pc skiller, torch, anni etc. After lvl 16 the output of further skill points does not justify the “costs”<br>
Fanaticism = Max, this is our second main skill<br>
Salvation = 1, we use this to “block” the -65res aura from Uber-Mephisto<br>
Makes all in all 77 points if you have +0 skills. At level 90 we should have enough points in spare to do whatever we want to. So the rest depends on your personal preferences. <br>
You could:
1. Put some extra points into “Bleesed aim” to optimize you attack rating. This is especially helpful in UT and for bosses as it increases your hit chance. And the zealer need a good hit rate to work properly.<br>
2. Skill 1 point in Joust. This allows you to tele short distances (if a monster is available) and makes diaruns way faster 😉 Can only recommend this. Also helpful to faster reach enemies!<br>
3. Further push holy shield or defiance to up you def.<br>
4. Skill Holy Nova (but as it costs you 5 skill points and does not have a decent effect, I cannot really recommend it).<br>
5. Put some extra points into smite. But tbh, I do not really use smite in PD2 because of the missing life tap options. It just does not make any sense. <br>
6. Skill resists. Every 2 points increase you maxres by 1%. Does not sound that nice, but we should have more than 18 points left at lvl 90, you might get an additional 8% maxres which might help a lot for DClone.<br>
7. Or just play with your skills, test what fits your needs.<br>
Personally, I prefer Nr. 1, 2 and 6. Blessed aim helps a lot in Ubertrist. You need to hit your enemy to activate leech and the skills on your weapon like life tap on LW. The extra maxres is also nice to have. And joust is just nice to have ;)
== '''Items''' ==
